Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Belly-to-Belly and Shoe Leather Prospecting

Prospecting (to prospect) is a verb.  It is an action.  It is what we do to expose people to our message to gain their attention and interest.

There are many forms of prospecting that are either free or paid.  Our business model starts with no cost or low-cost methods that are in the "Local, Guerilla and Belly-to-Belly" categories.  We do not encourage warm market (friends and family) until you have an established record of success.  So where and how do we suggest you get started?  

To make things most efficient, think concentration.  Where are there high densities of people who may be open to what we have to offer?  We have generic Community sites that are intended to appeal to Retail and Office workers.  Can you see yourself walking into businesses and introducing yourself, engaging in a conversation starter like, "Can I ask you a question, do you like working here?"  Then following with, "Do you have any other sources of income"?  Then, "I am always looking for people to join me in a business I work part-time, do you mind if I share it with you?"   Then, hand them a mini-flyer with one of our sites and your email printed on it.  Or, to make it seem less "scripted/canned/planned" take out or ask them for a piece of paper and write it down for them.  Any site will work depending on where you are:  BigBoxBackup.biz, SpreadThis.info, TellPeople.info, IndependentGrad.com, WorkingPoorNoMore.com.

Your ability to engage with people is a skill.  Your ability to gain someone's attention and interest is a skill.  You are paid in direct proportion to your skills.  Can you make a compelling and enticing invitation?  Can you carry a conversation?  Do you have a strategy, or are you nimble when thinking-on-your-feet in moving a conversation toward inviting someone to evaluate what we do?

Here's the thing:  not everyone will engage.  Not everyone will express interest.  In terms of Time Management, it is best to make this assessment sooner, than later and move on to someone else who potentially may be interested.

The cost of this method of prospecting is the cost of the pen in your pocket.  If you can't or don't want to print mini-flyers, all you have to do is go out and meet people and write down two pieces of information:  a website and your Gmail account.  

How many times a day can you do this?  This is the most basic, direct and fundamental method:  face-to-face invitations.  Simple:  Do you have a piece of paper?  I will write down a website and my contact information,  If you want to learn more, you can get in touch with me.

Now... understand... this method is not going to yield the highest returns.  This is akin to fishing in the ocean as opposed to throwing a line in a lake stocked with (name your favorite fish).  Ultimately, you will want to migrate your efforts to methods that more "attraction-based".  However, to get started, nothing will get the marbles out of your mouth faster and you will learn how to think on your feet quicker if you simply get off of the sofa and go out and talk to people about how money impacts their life... no matter your path to engaging them on the subject.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Resigned to Mediocrity

Most people have given up without knowing they have given up.  They accept their "lot" in life without challenge or question.  They drone through days and complain all-the-while... and confuse complaining with challenging.

Anyone can complain.  It is easy.  Take anything negative and describe it in negative terms.  Challenge, on the other hand, requires taking a stand and doing something about it.  This is not easy to do... for many.

Complainers, for the most part, are resigned to and destined for mediocrity.  They hate what they do for a living, they wish they had more resources, they detest the grind of the workweek... but even in light of this, they do nothing about it - save complaining.

Peoples' "truth" is what they perceive it to be.  Some people will engage and "get after it" if shown something worthy of "getting after".  These are the people we seek in building our business.

It is a very strange paradox that "most" people find themselves in the self-contradictory and self-defeating position of wanting or needing more money, but do nothing to elevate beyond this status quo position of "acceptance".  Why is that?

Feel free to comment.

Community, Club, Collective & Agreeing To Participate

Our Community, for all intents, works on the same premise as a club or a collective.  The idea here is that people are interested in and agree to participate in something.  In this process, we share ideas, strategies, tools... all leading to the outcome of people achieving a similar result:  to create an additional financial resource.

As I "grew up" in a small town, the adult "clubs" were the Lions, Moose, Kiwanis - that all served some civic or social function.  Typically, these were predominantly male organizations who all agreed to rally around and participate in "good works".  For example, among other things, the Lions Club sponsored the public pool we went to in the summer time.  They also rented the space in the Club House for community functions.  The proceeds all fed back into doing more good works and to perpetuate their core mission of "service".

The similar thread we share with any club is that we agree to and participate in the Good Work of helping people elevate their life circumstances.  This is made possible by this core construct of "Agree To - Participate In".  This is what we do.  Our "job" is to find people to educate to the point that they agree with our strategy to create additional income.  This is 80% of the first half.  The other 20% is getting people to trust that their participation will be rewarded with results.

This gets us to the 50-yard line.  Pushing the ball down to the goal line is the other aspect of our business:  teaching, supporting, holding accountable.  The monetary goal is different for everyone based on their situation.  My first goal was to replace my part-time job at a Home Improvement Center.  This was approximately $300 a week, or $1,200 a month of consistent, reliable income that I could count on month after month.

This consistency is only possible when the ones supporting the consistency are having success.  In other words, "success" goes well beyond initial recruitment efforts.  Success means that you help, guide and mentor others to ensure the stability of their and consequently, your income.  This gets to the idea of a "collective" of shared norms and values... primary among them is doing our level best to ensure everyone succeeds.  Again, this is done through education, support and mentorship and buying into the ethos that "no one gets left behind".

A Money Club.  People agree to and participate in a way to make money.  We share this common interest and consciously choose to adopt the norms and values of the Community as they relate to all the positive and productive outcomes we seek.

The goal is the number of commas we see in our bank balance.  However, to get there involves significantly more... and it all starts with exposing people to an option to learn about, agree to and participate in.   Then, having them pull the trigger to commit, and join with us.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Best Version of Yourself

Being the best version of yourself entails many things from kindness and compassion informed by a moral underpinning, to a fundamental sense of happiness and self-satisfaction that imbues how you carry yourself through life.  The former is fundamental to one's character and is ingrained as it assimilates over time to express itself in simple gestures.  The latter is more a function of how your choices in life now manifest in your being as a human.  So let me ask, are you happy?  (Note:  my editors encouraged me to ask you to read the preceding as many times as you need to - to connect the dots.)

Our Community exists to enable happiness.  It is about the "latter".  It is about making a choice.  This choice is to agree with a strategy and join with a common cause - and sharing a frame of reference with all who participate.

In this process, we enable the creation of money.  It is important to understand that money is a tool that facilitates and lubricates.  It "enables" choices that otherwise do not exist.  If you are not happy, it is very likely because your choices are being dictated to you (and) you are "resigned" to a life of doing what is "responsible".  As such, you have a job and exchange time for money.  You may like your job.  However, most say they do not... or at least have a difficult time connecting what they do to any sense of a "greater good" and doing something that serves this "best version of yourself" idea.

What we do and why we exist has everything to do assimilating core constructs into our collective "being".  Inherent in this is sharing common beliefs and values that drive and mandate how we function.  Money is simply a by-product that is pressed out of a complex array of variables.  Money does not exist as its own entity.  It is interdependent with all of the other factors in a formula.  Our community strives to define what these factors are and provide a framework for people to integrate them in order "press out" financial rewards.

In creating money, we facilitate choices.  Greater control over choices facilitates happiness.  If you are happy, you are best-positioned to be the best version of yourself.

As such, as a Community, we provide a context for the creation of money that enables people to become the best version of themselves - which is totally consistent with our tagline, "We organize knowledge, people, and money for everyone's benefit".

We enable being the best version of yourself and surround you with people who make you better.  This is special.  It is rewarding.  It genuinely helps people and is very much in line with the statement, "May you be blessed so that you may be a blessing".

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Make Your Mark

Most people are comfortable with their stable, predictable, status quo lives.  It is referred to as peoples' "Comfort Zone".  Much has been written (by many) about breaking out of this "zone" and progressing toward a goal.  Some are willing to experience the ill-at-ease and discomfort of doing things that stretch and challenge their ordinary, daily routines.   However, most people drone through life repeating the same cylce - as days, weeks and years pass.

The whole notion of "making your mark" will only appeal to those with the aspiration to do so.  It will only entice those not satisfied with their lot in life.  Our goal, our "job" is to find these people.  The issue is this:  they are the exception, not the rule.  This is true, even in the context of what we do:  teaching people to make money, and providing the platform to make it happen.  If "the idea" of most people wanting or needing more money is true, then why wouldn't they be beating a path to our door to jump in?  This paradox is important to wrap your head around but really comes full circle to the very simple notion that is expressed in the previous paragraph.  Most people simply do not have the willingness (ability) to integrate something new into their lives.  They are comfortable with the way things are, even though they will readily say they need "more" financially.

So, it is gut check time.  What about you?  What are you willing to do?  What are you willing to learn in terms of knowledge, skills and how you need to modify your daily habits?  Are you willing to integrate new behaviors (expend hours) of your life invested in changing the course of your life?

Is making your mark important?  How do you want to be remembered?  How many people will you have helped?  Is helping people a viable and credible way to earn a living, simply by showing them the mechanics of a process and teaching them that process?

You can "make your mark" by teaching and helping people.  That is what we do.  We all agree on a strategy and implement that strategy.  At this level, it is as simple and straightforward as it gets.  We are educators who make a living by finding people open to being educated.  The "allure" (the carrot) is making money.  The "stick" is the process and system to make it happen.  With no stick, you can't dangle the carrot in front of the donkey to have them chase it.  Unfortunately, all the donkey sees or cares about is the carrot.

But leave no doubt, at the end of the day, we "sell" sticks.  Without the stick, the carrot doesn't matter.  If you want to make your mark, embrace the fact that we are in the stick business.  We sell the competencies that give us the ability to demonstrate how money is a by-product of skills, systems, and processes...

This will only appeal to those who have the aspiration to ascend to a place that is "better" than what they currently know as "comfortable".

Monday, November 26, 2018

A Match Made in Heaven

We teach the skills to make money to people who want or need more money.  A match made in heaven, right?  I mean, what could go wrong?  It is precisely what everyone needs.

You would think.

So, what inhibits people from moving too far from the core of their status quo life?  The following are my top five reasons:

  1. Skepticism and Lack of Trust - people write us off as "one of those internet things" they have heard about, or maybe even have tried at one time.  It seems shady, like some kind of scheme.
  2. Inability to Change Lifestyle and Habits - people are well-entrenched in their lives.  Work, supper, TV, sleep... do it again.  Weekends are the same, just different items.  Finding time in this "busy" life is simply too tall an order for many.
  3. Risk Aversion - even if the money required is small, many people will not "float" that amount of money to prove to themselves something can work
  4.  Fear of Failure - This is driven by a lack of self-confidence and in most cases built on a foundation of previous failures.
  5. Reputation Fatigue - many people, to their credit, have tried to do other things to make money and had marginal success.  They worry about how this is viewed by people who know them.
Our job is to educate.  Methodically, thoroughly, consistently... we need to make "exposures" to as many people as we can to find the ones who do not fall into one of these categories.  The more people we expose, the more money we make.  We simply need to sift and sort.

There are people who want and need more money who are willing to learn the skills to make money.  We get paid to find them.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Social Commerce

People in social groups drive commerce, whether it be cars, blue jeans or a particular brand of hot dog.  People "buy in" literally with their wallets - and figuratively with their opinions and behaviors.

What we do is no different.  We drive commerce by earning people's trust and influencing opinions. We provide information and act as a guide.  In this process, we talk about aggregating and leveraging resources through a group of people with a common purpose.  This purpose is greater financial security.  All this makes sense to us.

Here's the thing... not everyone will be enticed by our offer. Our job is to find and appeal to people who are hungry for change... not everyone is.  In our world, most people are stuck in the status quo and are not "hungry" (enough) to change.

Ultimately, your success is predicated on your ability to understand the social nature of our business and "frame" what we do as:
  1. Education
  2. Helping people with an aspiration [to achieve and have more] decide to participate with us.
In the context of a social group, people consciously and rationally choose to participate in and contribute to a cause that is larger than themselves, and at the same time in themselves.  In our case, "the cause" is their own financial well-being, made possible by being involved with and supporting the larger community that makes it all take place.

This defines Social Commerce.  It defines Affinity Marketing.  It defines Referral and Word-of-Mouth Marketing.  Ultimately, the strength of your business is predicated by the strength of what binds the people in your business.  These metrics are their commitment and their loyalty and these two factors are a function of their success - monetarily, in regard to status and leadership and their knowledge they are making a difference in others' lives.

A Way to Make Money

This post is about simplicity.

Recently, I found myself talking with a 20-year old guy about his future... whether he had a resume... and his frustration with being overlooked at his job for "promotions".  The conversation migrated to what I do for extra money and I found myself talking about our Community, getting into the "weeds" about "how" we make money... about the industry... about the products...

In retrospect, I would have been much better off if I just kept it to, "It's a way to make money".  Then I should have said, if you want to know more, go to this website, then if you have any interest in learning more, send me an email at ______.

We have many, many websites to point people to - depending on the person we are talking to.  Then, "our system" is to have a Gmail autoresponder message set up that provides information in detail and they have this within 60-90 seconds.

That's it.  Keep it simple.  Don't oversell.  Let the system(s) do the work.  Especially if you are "new", the last thing you want to find yourself doing is defending... by providing too much information to someone who is naturally curious and typically skeptical.  The problem is you do not yet have "the marbles out of your mouth" to concisely convey the power of what we do and you will end up talking past and confusing what is really a simple proposition.

We offer people a way to make money.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


We build things.  On the hub, we build groups of people who share a common interest of greater financial security.  In the spokes, we build other things.

We build knowledge and skills which builds self-esteem and self-confidence.  Along with this, we build hope and optimism that people can live a better future by simply participating in a Community Group that exists to steer people in a common direction.

We aspire to the good and noble in constructing the elements that form our whole. This whole has every potential to elevate individual lives beyond their current circumstance.  Daily, we lead people to a window and invite them to look outside at a new world of possibility. This cycle simply repeats itself.

We build a passion for helping others - with success begetting success - as we grow personally and collectively - as a Community.

And, in the manner we approach what we do, we build trust because without trust, none of the rest matters.

Monday, October 8, 2018


One way to look at what we do is simply to get people to agree with us.

We have a proposition that involves two components.
  1. People work together to leverage money in the context of a Community that is "ours" and something we choose to be a part of.
  2. Our foundation is a learning environment where we share knowledge and resources. 
Members of our Community are inherently inter-dependent and literally support each other with their ongoing financial participation - all equally, in a "parallel economy to our jobs".  This involves a commitment and responsibility that we all agree to.

Our tagline is also our mission statement, "We organize knowledge, people and money for everyone's benefit."   Our goal is to be as simple and straightforward as we can be in describing who we are and what we do.  At the same time, we never want to shy away from the fact in agreeing to participate, each member has a responsibility to grow.

Inherent in this growth, you create value.  You learn new things you will be able to pass along.  And, you will be paid in direct proportion to the level of value you create.

These are some of the basic ground rules for what we do.  Our job is to find people who understand and agree to a mature sense of purpose in helping elevate lives by inviting people to participate with us.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Close Your Eyes, then You Won't See

Preface:  This title is loosely borrowed from the Bonnie Raitt song, "I Can't Make You Love Me".  I listen to music when I write for both entertainment and inspiration.

Here is what I believe.  Most people are complacent and "satisfied" with their lives, even those who struggle and complain, those who are frustrated with life to wit's end... however, at the same time, the metaphor for the title of this post is that they are living with their eyes closed.  This is the reality we confront in "finding" people to work with... to "join" our business... and who show the initiative to elevate themselves from the drudgery of a job.

For whatever reason, they simply won't see that options do exist.  What we offer is simply one... and even though what we do is solid and credible, many may have a look, but stay frozen with their eyes closed.  Why is that?

The broadest stroke I can paint to answer this is HABITS. It is about being creatures of the "same old, same old".  It is about not living with or wanting to endure the discomfort of change.  This is the biggest reason people stay "stuck".  It is resistance to change and disrupting the status quo - and consciously or subconsciously not wanting to let go of a living a life that is familiar and predictable.

So, they pack their lunch in the morning and go do it again.  If eyes not closed, then it may be more apt to say they are sleepwalking through their lives... seemingly conscious, but nonetheless "living the dream" that never confronts the reality of barely scraping by - and doing something about it.

Sad, really.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Making decisions can be gut-wrenching.  This is especially true if risks are involved.  However, the right decision can change your life and your family's future forever.  So... how do you decide?

One of the core statements of our Community is, "Give us 10% or your trust, we will attempt to earn the other 90%".  The thing is, trust is developed over time and through information gathering.  Therefore, we give wide berth to peoples' process in evaluating and integrating new information and judging it on its merits.  The last thing we want is to be perceived as wham-bam closers.  The final result (the ultimate goal of what we do) is a lifelong business partnership.  This is far too important for a"quick hustle".

We actively seek thoughtful, careful, measured people, not quick-hit artists.  Our orientation is culture-based and ascribing to values and norms.  Primary among these is respecting peoples' process to question - and to eliminate ambiguity about whether what we do is plausible and viable (for them).  We encourage learning at every step, both before and after joining.  Learning and decisions take time.  This is as it should be.

If you spend any time on this blog delving into the posts, you will find other references to "decisions are a function of information". [ d=(f)i  ]  Our role is to invite people to have a look at what we do and then provide information for them to evaluate.  We help people make decisions that are in their best interest, as a consultant and advisor - not as a closer looking to make the next buck.

Each individuals' circumstances and process is different.  Some will "see it" and jump in immediately.  Some take days and weeks to wrap their head around it.  Some never give the serious consideration (we think) it deserves and do nothing as a result.

It's all good.  That is what we do.  Invite and educate.  Some will get involved.  Some won't.  The "job" of what we do is to expose as many people as we can so they can make an informed decision about whether what we do has any merit and will fit with their character and lifestyle.

It roughly goes like this:  Expose.  Educate.  Engage.  Enroll.  Educate (more).  Earn.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Daily Crisis of, "Can't Afford It"

I was in the grocery store recently.  There were two young kids with their mom.  The boy was about 7, the girl 4 or so.  Like most kids in the checkout line, they were wide-eyed and grabbing candy bars.  Even before they could ask, the Mom said, "Put it back, we can't afford it".  With a sunken whimper, they complied and that was that.

For me, I just stood as a stoic observer, but inside I was crushed for the kids.  They were just doing what kids do... testing limits and "going for it".  But, the thud of the Mom's authority struck me.  Their budget obviously could not withstand a frivolous candy purchase.  She didn't say, "Not this time" (or) "No, we got candy last time..."  It was like, shut 'em down, drop a rock on their head finality - and they knew there was no sense in arguing.  They were being trained to "not afford it".

This simple example is how many people live... on the edge and barely making it.  A $2 make-or-break proposition that sucks the life out of things.  It is the daily wearing down of peoples' souls because the money simply does not exist to buy $2 worth of happiness.  It is chronically being in crisis - day after day, month after month.  It is the definition of being stuck, frustrated and miserable... and a candy bar is just one little example of the millions of ways this can play out.

We simply offer an option.  A different, additional path to consider.

To have the tact and empathy to approach this Mom - and invite her to have a look at what we do and explain how we can help is just one little moment that may never avail itself again.  This was a woulda', shoulda', coulda' moment for me.  I didn't say anything to this Mom, this time.

These moments exist every day.  Our role is to ask for permission and invite them to evaluate something that may be able to help them.  In doing so, we potentially elevate peoples' lives.  You never know, unless you speak - you act.

Technology and Humanity

There is a saying in the online marketing space that "the money is in your list".  The assumption is that the bigger your "database" of names is, the bigger pond you have to go fishing in.  It follows that then the more likely you will be able to make money as a function of large numbers.  Then, let autoresponders reach out to people with the latest and greatest offer.  This is not our model.  A large email or subscriber list is one way to go about things, especially for affiliate marketers selling other people's stuff.  However, what we do is more focused on quality than quantity.

Said differently, our focus is on humanity.  We strive to build deep and long-lasting relationships... not to interact with "names" on a list and see if the flavor-of-the-day might appeal to them.  Please do not misunderstand, there is value in a large list, but it is not where anyone starts... and therefore telling people to have (or get) a list is fundamentally bad advice as a place to start.  Obviously, the "large list" crowd would disagree.

Our model requires only 40-50 people who are fully participating to replace most middle-class incomes, and these 40-50 are built in a group, by the group.  It is uncannily smart.

This is not a technology-driven large list.  This is a drop in the bucket list that is driven by trust and reciprocal best-interests.  Humanity is what drives our business.  It is about helping people elevate beyond their current circumstances.  It is about hope anchored to pragmatism.  It is about bright futures being tied to daily disciplines.

Ultimately, it is about being genuine and real with people in terms of what is required and expected if one is to achieve success.  This is the practical, human thing to do.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Major in Your Life

OK.  This is a college (or education) analogy.  If you go to school, you are expected to learn things.  On these things, you get tested and get a grade.  Some people are honors students, some do the minimum and squeak by with C's and some fail.

Owning a business is really no different.  The premise here is that you can choose to go to school to learn and apply new things, or you can choose to do the minimum (or nothing) and let the status quo be "your life".  Note that the word "choose" is in both statements.

Now, taking this one more step, the tuition you pay (in real dollars) is next to nothing compared to a conventional college... and the education is essentially free.  What you are paying for with what we do is access to a platform that aggregates and tracks people and money.  There are literally thousands of these platforms.

The differentiator, the value proposition of what we offer is the culture and community that surrounds the money vehicle(s).  It is about norms and standards.  It is about shared values and expectations.  It is about time-defined (daily, weekly, monthly) disciplines.  But leave no doubt, it is all about EDUCATION and becoming competent, otherwise, the money does not really matter because the likelihood is that you will not make any.

This is no different than becoming an Accountant, Engineer, or any other Professional.  You need to learn things and then apply what you have learned on a consistent basis.  Said differently, you need to go to work every day.

Major in your life.  Elevate your circumstances.  Choose to change.  Embrace the saying, "If it is to be, it is up to me".

You are not alone.  We are here to help.  If you need help, ask for it, no different than office hours with a Professor.  When you graduate, you will have earned your "degree" in Life Transformation.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Resources and the 24 Hour Work Day

Ours is not a "normal" business unless you consider working around-the-clock as normal.  We teach and preach personal branding, establishing credibility and being of value to others and the marketplace.  This cannot be done in the absence of resources that enable people getting to know who you are and how you (we) think.

Once you establish a core set of resources (a bio page, an email auto response, a social media presence) these will "work for you" around-the-clock.  But, here's the deal:  they do not just appear.  They need to be created, worked on, and refined.  This is just part of the equation for developing into a business that has "legs" for the long-term.

If the person you are working with is not "engaged" in creating resources, you are being under-served.  If anyone has been involved with our Community for more than 30 days and does not have a rough bio page that they can refer others to... their head is simply not in-the-game.  As well, you need to be looking yourself in the mirror on this one.

You are your business.  People will join YOU.  The "deal" you represent (that is the financial vehicle enabling the exchange of money) is not your business.  The community and relationships you build is your business.  Without people who are engaged with and agree about core beliefs and values, there is no long-term business, but just a quick flip, buck-making exercise.

Your goal should be to build something that lasts.  Something that lasts needs to be built on a strong foundation.  The cornerstone of that foundation is YOU.  Resources that work around-the-clock for you is a simple fact of life for a successful home business owner.

Our Community exists to assist and support in making it all happen.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Make an Impact. Make an Income.

Mission and money.  Hmmm...  What if the mission is money?  Can making money be a stand-alone mission of an organization?  Money, almost universally, is something that just about everyone says they could use more of, right?  So, what if the core "mission" of an entity is boldly stated, "we exist to make money (for ourselves and for each other) - independent of the product or service that "legitimizes" the exchange and flow of it.

Well... that is pretty much what we do.  However, in doing so - the more important aspect is (more to the point) of the "impact" creating a new source of income has on peoples' lives.

Call it what you will: transformation, renewal, metamorphosis...  What we do does change lives.  Some engage, learn and apply themselves (then) get into profit... then scale their profits.  Some stick their toe in and then for whatever reason choose not to engage.

You will know you are "making it" when you feel you are having an impact.  The money will be there.  It an inherent part of the equation.  Let your goal be to help people and impact peoples' lives.  The money will take care of itself.

Monday, September 10, 2018

The Hot Dog: A Metaphor

We teach the skills to make money to people who want and need more money.  So, what does this have to do with hot dogs?  Well... not everyone likes hot dogs.  But let me ask, is there anyone who does not need or want more money?

We enlist people and encourage them to adopt a common (our) strategy.  We all agree that the "path we take" is sound and well-reasoned.  We choose to be inter-dependent and create a resource by contributing to and participating in that resource.   Some will agree and join with us on our journey.  Some won't give us "the time of day".

Likewise, not all people choose to eat hot dogs.  Some frankly, are grossed out by them.  Not all things appeal to everyone.  Essentially, there is a "finite universe" of hot dog eaters... as there is Ford Taurus buyers or Wrangler Jean wearers.  Not everyone goes to the movies or has season tickets to a pro sports team...  In each case, movies continue to be made, jeans and cars are manufactured and pro sports are not going anywhere... we could cite examples of "consumer behavior" until the cows come home.

So, one of the "raps" on what we do is that at some point, there will be no more people to "sell to".  And, at that point, these "schemes" we market all eventually fall apart.

My point in response to this is that a garden not tended will be overgrown by weeds and choke out the tomatoes and cucumbers.  No business will survive thinking you can set it and forget it.  Any business requires ongoing care and effort (tending).  And, as long as there is consistent effort applied long-term, there is no reason to believe that what we do is a "pyramid doomed to failure".  This is poppycock.  It is like saying hot dogs should no longer be manufactured because at some point, we will have reached the last hot dog eater.  The argument is silly.

People will evaluate a sober proposal and judge it on its merits.  We are proof of this.  To be discouraged by the myth that one day we will run out of people to talk to is simply that - a myth.

We are a Community that has consciously chosen band together and create our "own economy" by sharing a common strategy.  It will not resonate with everyone.  But then, just like the point being made here...

Not everyone likes hot dogs.  Not everyone eats hot dogs.

Not everyone will want to do what we do to earn extra income.  There are plenty of people who will and this "resource" keeps replenishing itself in cycle after cycle of school bills and graduations, job loss, childbirth, new homes and cars... in all these cases, people need more money than they had yesterday... therefore a new "candidate" for what we offer.

Our job is to simply get information in front of them to evaluate.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Live Compassionately

There is an old adage of the empty vessel.  From afar, it looks fine.  It floats.  It is doing all the things that vessels do... but as you get closer and finally board, you find nothing there.

You don't want to be that boat.  Live compassionately, with empathy and generosity of spirit.  There are plenty of hucksters and charlatans in this world.  We need to be at our best and firmly perceived at the opposite end of the continuum from the cons and quick flippers.  This is only possible if you are compassionate in your approach to others - in valuing their needs, understanding their circumstances and helping them understand your goal is to help them.

We talk a lot about moral posture.  This includes caring about what we do as a mission, not just a "biz opp".  If you are not invested emotionally, you will be smoked out as one who is disingenuous.  Being honest in all you do builds credibility.  It speaks to your integrity.

Many people in this world are hurting - their lives are a vicious circle of psychic pain from financial strain.  Our delicate role is to cajole people into understanding that what we do is a viable option -  to alleviate stress, not add to it.  Some will see it.  Most won't.  This is just the reality of large numbers.

As you grow into and choose to wear our Community's mantle of goodness, I encourage you to think as Physicians do, i.e. ''do no harm".  People do not need us complicating their already complicated lives.  We want to be perceived as a huge breath of fresh air due to our candor and empathy.  We are a positive force in the world and you are an Ambassador sharing a viable alternative for people to consider.

Live compassionately.  It will serve you well.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Helplessly Hoping

Helplessly Hoping.  Not much as a life strategy, would you agree?  I was in a store the other day and heard a guy with all due earnest optimism say that his time to hit the lottery had to be near.  Again... hanging one's sense of optimism on the lottery... go figure.

As many of my generation know, Helplessly Hoping is a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song.  If you will allow me to borrow randomly from the song, one line of the lyrics is, "confusion has its cost".  Frankly, I am not certain whether it is confusion, lack of knowledge, lack of trust... but I am certain that there is a lack of something inherent in people not taking charge of their financial destiny.

Confusion presupposes that are different aspects to be confused over, right?  As I think about it, it may be more apt to say "ignorance has its cost".  This is not meant in a negative way.  This is simply to say lack of knowledge about any subject can be costly.

As marketers, our job is to educate.  As mentors, our job is to educate.  As people who have a responsibility to "raise people up", our job is to educate.  This is the foundation (and the reason for) calling ourselves a Learning Community.

We need to inspire people beyond helplessly hoping in real terms that are actionable and achievable.

That's what we do.  That's who we are.  And, at the end of the day, we get paid to do so.