Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ignorance is Expensive

This is a provocative title that is potentially off-putting.  I understand.

It is really meant to be an attention grabber and nothing more.  So allow me to apologize if it raised your eyebrow.

In writing about "ignorance being expensive", the reality is most people have not taken the time to understand the difference between active and passive income, not even mentioning how to make it happen.

Most people have a job and pay their bills and are content with the cards they have been dealt.  They get up every Monday morning and do it again and trudge through to the following weekend.  Of the active income they earn, perhaps some is saved.  For most, little is invested.  It is how most people describe (and end up in) the rat race.

All we are here to tell you is that there is an alternative.  It is passive income.  You do the work once, and the same money comes month after month after month - passively, and grows geometrically.

This is the model we operate under. Nothing more.  It is not a magic pill, but merely describes what we do.  Therefore, if you do not have stocks, or own real estate, have written a book and receive royalties or any other mechanism to realize residual income...

Simply, we invite those who may not know about "our world" to learn more.

Already have a successful business?

If you already have a successful business, what we do will complement (not compete with) what you currently do.  As such, we are a diversification option.

There was an analogy that I heard recently that you cannot be the pastor of two churches under two denominations.  The question posed was 'what do you really believe' and those who follow (attend your church) would have legitimate cause to wonder what your true convictions are?  If you are marketing products within the same category, I would be inclined to agree... i.e. two weight loss products, two skin care lines, two anti-oxidant health drinks, two travel companies... name your deal...

We represent a tools, training and education"deal".  Our business ramps quickly due to person-to-person commerce with no money going to the parent company, other than a monthly administrative fee to cover the back office and on-going product development.

Therefore, what we do, does not compete with product or service-based businesses.  The closest thing we do compete with with"launches" and / or learning platforms - that provide tools, teach skills and have a monthly membership fee - associated to belong.

Therefore, we very casually expose our philosophy (first) to people who posture themselves as successful online.  We share this blog and see if they choose to reach out to us.  Many companies preach focus and fidelity and not chasing the next shiny object.  Frankly, we are inclined to agree.

However, we are a great complement to any business, and; once people are established with their primary business, we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if not exposing current successful business builders to another viable source of complementary income.


The definition of security differs for everyone.  For some, having a "secure job" meets their definition.  For others, being on a track for a secure retirement needs to fit into the equation.  For many, the idea of not having to depend on someone else is key to their definition.  In this sense, security has everything to do with control - and having the ability to control your life and your future.

Our market is not people who fit neatly into the first two categories and who are satisfied with their stable existence.  Therefore, right off of the top, we can exclude 80% of the population who are employed and buying-in to the conventional American dream of a house, a car and meeting all of their bills.

Your potential success will be affected if you do not understand this reality.  And, it begs the question of who we target as "higher" probability prospects.  Are there groups/populations who inherently have an "itch to scratch" as it relates to security and improving their personal status quo?  On the one end of the continuum are people who are unemployed or underemployed, which one would think makes them inherently "hungry".  If you are to believe the current national statistics, this percentage of the population is now 4.6%.  So, that will never get us there.

Then, if we apply the 80/20 rule, and assume that 80% of people think they are doing 'just fine', this leaves about 15% of people who have the attitude and aptitude to "innovate" and do something different in their lives.  This is 15% of people who will take a risk, get out of their comfort zone - and who have the initiative and drive to do something more with their lives.

Therefore, your personal security is inherently dependent on finding and educating a minority of innovators and early adopters.  It also points to the fact that you can waste a lot of time and money on chasing your tail in pursuing non-viable people.  In other words, to work smart, you need to "get clear" on who our market is, and who it is not.

We will help you get there.  To talk about these market segmentation strategies here, would really be tantamount to providing the keys to the cash box and are considered proprietary.

How, who, when, and why we target and approach potential business partners is both a fundamental skill and understanding that will contribute to your success and personal stability.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Business is a Team Sport

There are a lot of ways to write about this. The obvious one is to make football or basketball analogies, and then have the discussion evolve to leadership with quarterbacks and point guards. Somehow, I think all this has already been done.

As such, I am not going to go in that direction, but more importantly want to contextualize "team" and what it means to "our" sport.  So, let me start here: a team is a group of people who work together with the common goal of winning a game.  Our game is money.

Teams practice and have coordinated strategies (plays) that define what everyone's role is for bursts of time.  The question then becomes, what "plays" do we run and how do we coordinate among ourselves in our business?  And, even before this, what drills do we run in practice to sharpen and refine fundamental skills and mechanics?

All of this is completely analogous to athletics.  However, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about individual skills.  The key to all of this, from my frame of reference, is how we coordinate our teams on a state-wide, national or worldwide basis?  Some call it support, some call it being an effective sponsor... whatever the case, it should be obvious that we all do not end up in the showers together at the end of practice and give each other a lift home.

We talk about our business being a relationship business.  We talk about the importance of understanding community as a core construct.  Building a team (or) being a part of a team is simply another way to express the same thing.

If you want to have success, you need to embrace the fact that you can not "go-it-alone" and inherent in the process is a great deal of communication and coordination.  Business is a team sport.