Friday, August 10, 2018

Planning Night

OK.  One night a week you have to plan.  Well, you don't HAVE TO, but if you want to increase the probability of your success, you will.

This goes hand-in-hand with making a schedule and generating a task list.  It takes a bit of effort at first... to get to know Google Calendar and how you make the actual schedule and identify all of the big chunks of time that are already committed.  That is the easy part.  Where success is driven is in all of the "uncommitted" hours.  This is where the work gets done for your business.

I recently wrote a post, and in it I said:  "If You Don't Know What You Are Doing, You Don't Know What You Are Doing".  This gets to the heart of a schedule and task lists.  This defines daily activity and taking the steps necessary to build your business.  It makes you focus and apply conscious effort.

My planning night is Sunday.  I typically know what my fixed commitments are for the coming week by that time - and I can always adjust on-the-fly.  The point is this:  have a pretty firm idea of how you are going to "attack" your week.  Know what your daily goals are.

You will want to break your task list into daily production targets when you are first getting started... depending on how you are choosing to market.  We will be talking about all of this.  Then, as you build a group, you will need to create spots of time for helping your team.

These are the two main things you do:  recruit and support.  The when and the how is defined by a schedule and task lists... and then having it reflected in an activity tracker.

As the saying goes, "this is not rocket science".  It is simple accountability to yourself and providing a structure of what's and when's... i.e. what are you going to do, when?  If you follow this simple advice and set daily activity targets, your chances of success skyrocket... and you do not have to be a rocket scientist to make it happen.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Multi-Level versus Network Marketing

Let me be clear.  We build a network through marketing.  This inherently qualifies us as Network Marketing.  However, Multi-Level Marketing (typically) infers percentages of group volume at different levels that are (many times) termed in stones (diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby...) precious metals platinum, gold, silver, bronze...), organizational or geographical titles i.e. National Director, Regional, Area, and starting at some entry-level inferring "Representative".  There are many, many more.  However, in some form, they all infer "rank".

Most of these models require successively larger organizations or group sales volumes associated with a group size.  With size and volume, you "rank advance".  Also, with each, the higher levels get larger and larger pieces of "the pie".  These pie pieces (again, typically) are percentage-based.

Again, we do not shy away from being network builders, organization developers or community organizers.  The biggest difference in what we do is that we are whole-dollar-based, not percentage-of-the pie-based.  Ultimately, where we want to end up is with much smaller groups of people and reaping 100% of whole dollar amounts.

As such, we need far fewer people as we concentrate on quality and education, not large numbers with never-ending recruiting creates a vicious circle because as many people quit, as join.

There are many more differences, but let me mention just one more.  Most MLM's are physical product based.  What we do is education-based.  Our product will never end up in your garage stacked in boxes of stuff you can't sell.  Everything we do is a service or is digitally-delivered.

The programs we work with were chosen for their compensation models.  Ultimately, culminating in a monthly subscription with a group of 30-50 people (as a first goal) that will equal most peoples' primary income.  And, as you know, or will come to learn - this is done in a Community with everyone participating - helping each other learn, earn and ultimately prosper.