Friday, February 15, 2019

Master Plan for Life Transformaiton

Simple on its surface.  I want to ask, "is it"?

I want to propose that "what we do" can transform lives that go well beyond the "Sign Up & Try It" model of business builder recruitment.  This needs to be postured within a framework that people know what they are signing up for (and) if they are sincerely committed to getting from where they are - to where they want to be.

The graphic above speaks to "what it takes".  In a sense, it is the bitter pill of reality.  It is a  framework that does not sugarcoat the fact that "life transformation" is possible, however, it requires taking necessary steps to gain a full understanding and appreciation "how to get there".  Said differently, it takes learning and effort that results in a change in life circumstances.

What we do is wonderful.  If you are new, you will come to know and embrace this. In its leadership philosophy - in its consumer benefit - in its overall worthiness. However, the use of the platform requires a major shift in thinking and behaving.  People's success in benefitting from the platform requires making a successful transition from "how they used to do things" to build a business "how they structure their time" in inviting others to use the platform.  Then, it goes one level deeper...

I contend that the most critical aspect of making any business work is a well-reasoned on-boarding and engagement "experience" for new members.  In other words, people need to be "started right".  They need the information and tools to be comfortable in making their first purchase... and at the same time they need to understand how their participation fits into the larger context of "life transformation".  The following four parts make up this whole.

Financial Literacy
This is on two levels.  First, people need to understand how the financial aspects of any platform work.

Second, people need to understand the "big picture" of the earning potential.  This has implications in developing a strategy that will first result in parallel income, leading to replacement income.  When someone achieves the milestone of equaling their income, at this point, they will be in the position to be making major life decisions in terms of their job or career.

In order to facilitate the exchange of information necessary, we have developed this Onboarding Tool.  This tool also addresses other factors as they relate to the framework of transformation.  The following four constructs are foundational to the Onboarding Process, however, for purposes here, they are just touched upon.

Values Assimilation
It goes without saying that the values normally thought of: work ethic, transparency, honesty, integrity, collaboration, decency, respect... are set as standards and met by expectation.  This is true of any community that understands the importance of creating a culture in which everyone is valued for what they bring to the table and helping everyone achieve the level of success they aspire to.

Knowledge and Skills Acquisition
In order to be an earner, you need to be a learner.  The more you know, the more people you teach, the more money you will make.  The Law of Compensation tells us that you will be paid in direct proportion to the value you offer.

This can apply to many areas, but the bottom line is that it means time invested in acquiring skills and knowledge on the front end, and teaching these same things to others on the back end.  Again, the more people you teach, the more money you make.  In this sense, you are paid to be an educator, you are paid to be an accountability partner, you are paid to be a homework assigner, coach, mentor, support system.  All of these are skill sets.  At the end of the process, you are paid to be a Professional vested with the responsibility to nurture others to Professionalism.

Lifestyle Adaptation
I say this in many places in many ways.  The single biggest obstacle that prevents people from succeeding in a home business is their inability to integrate change into their lives.  As stated previously in this article, this is on two levels.  First, in modifying behavior and sharing the platform at every opportunity.  Second, committing the time to learn and teach... in other words... hours invested.  In the Getting To Know Each Other resource, many of these lifestyle "issues" are attempted to be uncovered and addressed - to the extent that they can be impediments to success.

Life Transformation is possible..  There are costs associated with your time and the sacrifices you will inherently need to make.  The question for anyone is whether you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary.  Are you willing to "do what it takes"?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


I have a theory and a corollary to it.  People won't use and embrace what they don't understand.  The corollary:  more people will embrace and use what they do understand.

The goal of education is understanding.  Take a math problem.  Once you learn the steps that need to be taken to understand how to solve an algebra equation, you can then go on to solve an algebra equation with similar variables.

We can frame this in terms of the learning curve.  Is it a steep learning curve, with many facets and relatively complex variables?  Or does something tend more to the side of being a "no brainer" and easy-to-comprehend?

The variable that will fuel the success of any business is "how simply" it can be explained.  Success rests squarely on the pillars of understanding and adoption.  Understanding and adoption is predicated by behavior modification.  So, the real question is, "How do we get people to modify their behaviors?"  Then, how do we make these behaviors"stick" as a conscious choice of on-going, long-term engagement?

Yes, there is money.  However, the money is an end-state, not a first step.  It is a motivating factor, but unless you "buy into" the system (figuratively), the money doesn't matter, because you won't make any.  There has to be conscious intent to the extent that behaviors (daily activities) become the norm of how someone's life functions.  This requires effort.  It requires strategy.  It requires an overall understanding of how all the pieces fit together and function as a whole.

If not done right.  Efficiently.  Effectively.  I will not go so far as to say the enterprise is doomed, however, I will say that it will stymie growth and inhibit the overall potential of the enterprise.

Marketing and Recruitment are fundamental.  These are the fuel to the potential pool of people transacting commerce (and) for those choosing to build a business.  Once someone says "yes" is when the real "test" begins.

I could hack my way through it by trial-and-error, make mistakes, get frustrated and end up saying, "why didn't they just explain that in the first place"?  For someone committed to making something work... they will stick around long enough to get the answer.  For many, they will simply say, "Too much, too complicated, not user-friendly... c-ya".

Simply, my appeal here is that we need to be educators with the tools to explain the benefits of any platform.  The first level of this is understanding how to transact business on the platform and this is preceded by how to set up and connect all of the tools... and how they are related.

Next, there needs to be a repository of "case study" or "examples" of how people are achieving success.  This could include bios of the people sharing... pursuant to the goal of community and culture creation.   We need to see the many colors of the rainbow... and how creative people are in utilizing the platform.

So much for stream-of-consciousness writing.  This is long enough.  Hopefully, the abrupt ending will not detract from the points attempting to be made here.