Saturday, September 1, 2018

Live Compassionately

There is an old adage of the empty vessel.  From afar, it looks fine.  It floats.  It is doing all the things that vessels do... but as you get closer and finally board, you find nothing there.

You don't want to be that boat.  Live compassionately, with empathy and generosity of spirit.  There are plenty of hucksters and charlatans in this world.  We need to be at our best and firmly perceived at the opposite end of the continuum from the cons and quick flippers.  This is only possible if you are compassionate in your approach to others - in valuing their needs, understanding their circumstances and helping them understand your goal is to help them.

We talk a lot about moral posture.  This includes caring about what we do as a mission, not just a "biz opp".  If you are not invested emotionally, you will be smoked out as one who is disingenuous.  Being honest in all you do builds credibility.  It speaks to your integrity.

Many people in this world are hurting - their lives are a vicious circle of psychic pain from financial strain.  Our delicate role is to cajole people into understanding that what we do is a viable option -  to alleviate stress, not add to it.  Some will see it.  Most won't.  This is just the reality of large numbers.

As you grow into and choose to wear our Community's mantle of goodness, I encourage you to think as Physicians do, i.e. ''do no harm".  People do not need us complicating their already complicated lives.  We want to be perceived as a huge breath of fresh air due to our candor and empathy.  We are a positive force in the world and you are an Ambassador sharing a viable alternative for people to consider.

Live compassionately.  It will serve you well.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Helplessly Hoping

Helplessly Hoping.  Not much as a life strategy, would you agree?  I was in a store the other day and heard a guy with all due earnest optimism say that his time to hit the lottery had to be near.  Again... hanging one's sense of optimism on the lottery... go figure.

As many of my generation know, Helplessly Hoping is a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young song.  If you will allow me to borrow randomly from the song, one line of the lyrics is, "confusion has its cost".  Frankly, I am not certain whether it is confusion, lack of knowledge, lack of trust... but I am certain that there is a lack of something inherent in people not taking charge of their financial destiny.

Confusion presupposes that are different aspects to be confused over, right?  As I think about it, it may be more apt to say "ignorance has its cost".  This is not meant in a negative way.  This is simply to say lack of knowledge about any subject can be costly.

As marketers, our job is to educate.  As mentors, our job is to educate.  As people who have a responsibility to "raise people up", our job is to educate.  This is the foundation (and the reason for) calling ourselves a Learning Community.

We need to inspire people beyond helplessly hoping in real terms that are actionable and achievable.

That's what we do.  That's who we are.  And, at the end of the day, we get paid to do so.

A Core Offer

This applies to people starting a home business who do not have a group of people with whom they are currently working.  If this describes you, please read on.

Everyone needs an anchor - a home base - a primary program.

This has to be what you build your brand on - what you are known for - and what you unflinchingly support as your foundation.  It is what you "lead" with to new prospects who are considering joining you.  We recommend strongly that it is not "this or that"... but it is ONE THING that defines who you are, what you do, why you promote it - and is the expectation for anyone who joins you that this program is what your business and community are built upon - at its core.

This is not to say that in time you can not add things to your earning portfolio.  It is simply to say that "out of the gate" you are consistent with your primary offer when engaging new people.

Obviously, you do not need to follow this advice, however, if you are looking to build a long-term, stable and prosperous business, it must be built on a stable foundation.

This stable foundation is your initial, primary offer that everyone in your community adopts and embraces equally and who have the ability advocate for it making sense as a great place to start.


So, what does iteration mean?  One definition could be doing something over and over until you get it right.  Another could be successive approximations.  Another could be the process of continual improvement or refinement.

A part of what we teach is to have an "About Me" website.  This is a brief bio that enables people to get to know your story.  It is the beginning of building your brand as someone worthy of trust and being followed.  For some, this is a difficult task.  Understood.

Here's the thing.  It does not need to be perfect.  As you refine it over time... it inherently evolves.  This is a work-in-progress.  Remember, you are "paid" in direct proportion to the value you offer.  If you have a weak bio, your earnings are a reflection.  This is the same as not having the skills to teach... but if you never set up the tools to use, you will never be able to teach someone else how to use them.

The point is this:  start somewhere.  Make the effort.  In all areas of your business, you will not have "arrived" on day one, but it will take constant tweaking to improve.  This is the reality... and most people do not have the persistence to stick with themselves if they don't see immediate results.

Effort equals results.  There is no mystery here.  There is no guessing.  Everything is a matter of competence.  You become competent by engaging in iteration after iteration after iteration... until you are confident that what you have produced is the best you can make it.

At that point, your money "issues" should be in the rearview mirror.

What Would You Do to Save Yourself?

I once worked with a guy in a retail environment.  He was about 40, had 6 kids... was articulate, knew his job and was good at what he did.  At the same time, he was literally drowning in frustration and hated what he did.

Although he uses computers all day every day at work, he defined himself as a computer illiterate outside of the confines of the tools we used.  I always found this irony interesting.

I have a pretty strict guideline of not mixing my home business with those whom I associate with on a daily basis.  Nonetheless, when I have written different pieces for this series, I have naturally mentioned some of them to him.  His lack of interest has always puzzled me.

This brings me to the question of this title.  "What would you do to save yourself?"  I mention my co-worker simply because I think he represents many people who hate their lives and what they are obligated to do (go to a job they hate) in order to meet their bills.  It is the classic definition of being "stuck".  Every day... year after year.

So let me ask you:  what would you do?  Our business requires a bit of risk of time and money... followed by doing things on a daily basis to effect an outcome.  x=y.  Do the things, get the outcome.  It is not quite that linear at first, but ultimately with time, it is.

Save yourself.  It doesn't need to be with what we do.  Simply commit to doing something to save yourself... from the lack of money... from the frustration of having a job you hate... from all of the choices you need to make because you can't afford it...

What we do is just one option.  The key is to find your "side thing" and make it happen.  One of the articles I shared with my co-worker was, "You Can't Out-Earn Your Self Image".  As long as you continue to define yourself as an hourly wage worker and see (or seek) no other alternatives, you will remain stuck.

So, let me ask again, "What Would You Do to Save Yourself?"

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Difference Makers

Do this exercise.  Put yourself on your death bed.  Let's assume you have lived a long life.  Will it be important to you to have made a difference?  How will that be defined?  Will you have had a positive impact on the world, or did you simply and complacently exist; conforming to what was "normal" and expected?

We are a Community of difference makers.  At the most fundamental level, our goal is to make a difference in peoples' lives.  We are driven by this purpose and are united by common values of competence and credibility, honesty and integrity, candor and accountability, and this is just some of what is at our core.

Do you care about being exceptional, or about distinguishing yourself in some way?

There is no higher calling and no greater honor than to lift people up and enable their new beginning.  We offer one viable and realistic path... not the only path, but a solid one to consider if one is seeking change.

People in our Community come to understand the noble nature of what we do.  We help change lives.  We transcend the petty deal-making and espouse a greater good that is only attained through effort and perseverance.

We create change by backing potential and possibility with skills and disciplines that include mastery of tools and tactics.  This is not "join, shoot from the hip and hope for the best".  What we do is thoughtful, strategic and smart.

Make a difference by joining us, then, invite others to consider being a difference maker as well.

The Shrewd and The Naive

This post can quickly devolve into what many would describe as class warfare.  OK, so be it.  Let's call out oppression for the sake of profitability - and - the lack of conscience corporations and the economic elite demonstrate.  Not much joy in talking about this, but here we go...

Let me ask a fundamental question this way:    Do you think your employer is looking out for your best interest, or their own?  Some would say yes, my employer understands positive culture and rewarding performance.  These are the lucky ones.  Most laugh at the question as preposterous.  Why is that?

In the Fortune 500 culture, shareholder value takes precedence over everything.  At the end of the day, if a company is not growing and increasing profitability, Management is forced to squeeze what they can control to maintain their "numbers".  The first, most obvious and easiest thing is to cut labor... or to repress labor by short staffing, increasing production requirements and then firing non-achievers... there are as many ways to do this as Heinz has pickles.

The bottom line for you and me is that they depend on our compliance.  We are relegated to fear for our paycheck because many are living hand-to-mouth, month-to-month.  We are manipulated by a system designed to get the most out of us at the least possible cost... with the old notion that a JOB stands for Just Over Broke and as such, most are stuck.

I use the word Shrewd in the title, but perhaps what I mean falls closer to Abusive.  The darker side of shrewdness gives license to executive and management compensation, with those contributing the same hours and talent (providing value) receiving a relative pittance.  Nonetheless, we conform and keep our mouths shut due to the fear of retaliation, which ultimately could mean job loss.

Our community exists to simply pose an alternative.  An option.  A Plan B.  Some "see it".  Most don't.  Here's a way to look at it.

At the end of the day, what we do is no different than giving birth to a child.  When you join us, you give birth to the possibility of a new life.  This requires daily care and attention and your life is inherently different with the advent of this new thing, whether it be a baby or a business.

Most people do not take this responsibility seriously and therefore fail.  It is not the fault of the business model, it falls squarely on the shoulders of people who do or do not invest the time to plan and perform tasks... otherwise known as work.

So, think about your job.  Think about your effort.  Think about being stuck and droning weekly, year after year.  Then, think about investing a similar effort in something you own for yourself and your family.  Think about taking something seriously and changing your circumstances.

It is all possible.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Freedom and the Right to Choose

We are all free to make choices.   However, many times, jobs are not chosen but are more a function of circumstance.  As a result, many stay stuck in their lives, relegated to a job they have by default and then rely on the relative safety of the status quo in the 40 hours a week for 40 years grind.

This is the expectation set by societal norms - and the value system that is most prevalent in public schools.  It is the worker bee mentality of doing your job, doing it well, earning a wage or salary and making a commitment to this as an expression of "responsibility".

There is no arguing this, except in the context of alternatives and the right to choose.  We do not recommend or encourage "dumping your day job".  We strongly encourage doing our "side thing" as a means to earn extra income and offer a strategy to first equal and then exceed your current full-time income.

What we do is measured, calculated and predictable.  The financial aspects (how the money is earned) is straightforward.  The rest is a formula of effort invested equalling results derived... E=R. There is no mystery, it is simply a matter of choice.  Answer these for yourself:
  1. Are you comfortable with, and do you see yourself living the same life for the rest of your life?
  2. Are you willing to integrate new things into your life?
  3. Are you willing to take a risk and bet on yourself in getting started?
  4. Are you willing to trust that a community exists that will help you?
  5. Ultimately, are you willing to re-define who you are?
These are all choices.  You are free to choose.  Answer the questions.  Look in the mirror and choose to get going or to remain where you are.  We exist to encourage and help guide your destiny.  This is what is truly in the balance.  There is a whole new world of possibilities if you are receptive to it.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Keep Your Colors Wet

The reality is this.  Most people are a dried, brittle canvas.  In terms of life experience and expectation, the oils have hardened, the acrylic is set, or... the water is dry.  Their futures seem certain as long as they continue to conform to what is expected and stay in their safe-zone of a job and benefits.

Most people feel "set" financially in meeting their bills and saving for Christmas and vacations.  No value judgment here, I am simply describing reality.  Most are "comfortable" with their lot in life and not seeking to rattle their status quo.  We wish them the best.

In keeping your colors wet, it enables moving around the mix on your canvas.  It maintains the possibility of the next brush stroke.  We are a community who are malleable to opportunity, wherever it may arise.  As such, we do/will not appeal to brittle canvases of the world.

We seek to attract artists wanting and willing keep adding depth and color to their canvas of life... to be open to the possibilities of what can be rendered, without having yet created it.  You can call it risk-taking or intrepid adventurism... but simply know that whatever "it" is, most people do not have "it".

Our job is simply to expose and invite people to have a look:  all the while welcoming their being objectively critical and thorough in their analysis.  Here's why:  what we do "stands up" to examination.

It is thoughtful.  It is thorough.  It is practical and it makes sense due to its simplicity.  It is not high art, but daily brush strokes that over time result in mastery.

Keep painting your life.  Create a vision of your higher self and expend the effort to achieve that vision.  It is not about the money.  It is about what the money will enable in terms of options.  It is about enhancing peoples' lives with money being the byproduct.

The canvas is yours.  Always keep your colors wet.  Life is, and will always be a work-in-progress.