Freedom and the Right to Choose

We are all free to make choices.   However, many times, jobs are not chosen but are more a function of circumstance.  As a result, many stay stuck in their lives, relegated to a job they have by default and then rely on the relative safety of the status quo in the 40 hours a week for 40 years grind.

This is the expectation set by societal norms - and the value system that is most prevalent in public schools.  It is the worker bee mentality of doing your job, doing it well, earning a wage or salary and making a commitment to this as an expression of "responsibility".

There is no arguing this, except in the context of alternatives and the right to choose.  We do not recommend or encourage "dumping your day job".  We strongly encourage doing our "side thing" as a means to earn extra income and offer a strategy to first equal and then exceed your current full-time income.

What we do is measured, calculated and predictable.  The financial aspects (how the money is earned) is straightforward.  The rest is a formula of effort invested equalling results derived... E=R. There is no mystery, it is simply a matter of choice.  Answer these for yourself:
  1. Are you comfortable with, and do you see yourself living the same life for the rest of your life?
  2. Are you willing to integrate new things into your life?
  3. Are you willing to take a risk and bet on yourself in getting started?
  4. Are you willing to trust that a community exists that will help you?
  5. Ultimately, are you willing to re-define who you are?
These are all choices.  You are free to choose.  Answer the questions.  Look in the mirror and choose to get going or to remain where you are.  We exist to encourage and help guide your destiny.  This is what is truly in the balance.  There is a whole new world of possibilities if you are receptive to it.


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