Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label advice. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Old-School Cash Leverage Programs

Every business has to have a product or service to be legal.  Simply trading and leveraging money for the purpose of trading and leveraging money is considered a scheme, typically preceded by the adjectives of Ponzi or pyramid.

That said, one does not have to be in love with the associated product or service.  This gets a bit dicey to explain philosophically.  However, let me start here.  The goal of business is profitability.  Not every trinket trader is in love with all of the trinkets he imports from China.  He trades trinkets to make money.  It is a basis for commerce.  Anyone can think of 1000 examples.

I know an Electrical Engineer who sits at his computer all day in a small office at a large corporation.  He does not like what he does.  However, he is paid well for what he does.  He derives income.  That is his only goal in spending eight hours of his life a day doing what he does.

Frankly, at the end of the day, to me (ultimately) what we "sell", or the product or service that legitimizes the businesses we represent are secondary.  Mandatory, but secondary.  If the product or service is "lovable", all the better, but secondary.

The real issue is how money works:  the structure and leverage components.  Primarily, we use subscription and powerline programs (powerlines are characterized by one-up/two-up components).  Both of these structures are Old-School Cash Leverage Programs.  These are simple to understand and explain.

We start with one business.  We grow it.  Then we build and create a portfolio of income streams.  It is smart and strategic.  Things happen in time with strategic benchmarks based on growth.  Nothing is left to chance.  Everything has to make sense on a spreadsheet.

After all, that is how businesses are run and grown.  It minimizes risk and risk-taking.  You need to do your part and a road map will be tailored specifically to your situation.  Ultimately, you need to execute a plan and the Old School Cash Leverage Programs will work for you.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

About 40 People - An Explanation and Approximation

I have written other posts about "the money being in your list".  This post is related.  I have argued that building a large list and monetizing that list is certainly one viable strategy, however not an easy one - both in terms of the resources required to make it happen (a capture page, autoresponder, etc.) AND the entire process to make it happen.

Juxtaposed to this is a small list.  A group, if you will... of About 40 People.  Or, a tight-knit community of 40 who share common values, skills, goals... an interdependent, supportive, and cohesive structure all geared to each others' financial well-being.  Allow me to slice and dice this a few different ways.

So, why 40?  To be clear, I am starting here explaining the "end state".  This is the place you work toward and where you "end up" after a year's effort.  (You can't blink this into existence).

We use a progressive model that builds different income platforms.  The first starts at $40 (an instant pay / direct pay platform) that successively and progressively works to higher investment levels based on (and funded out of) earnings.  While engaged in this platform, you are gathering and training people.  Ultimately, you are finding the ones who will commit - and "stick" as long-term partners.

Ultimately, when you are in a position to do so, we participate in a $175 a month subscription.  Doing the math, $175 x 40 people = $7000.  If done right, and treated like a real business, you will want to claim this income for tax purposes.  So, you are in the 22% bracket.  $7000 x .78 = $54,600 a month "net".  This replaces most middle-class incomes.  And, this is just the baseline goal on which you build.

Another perspective on this:  $7000 x 12 months = $84,000 annually... from 40 people.  From a strong, committed, powerful group of people.

The amount of money you would need in investments with a modest 6% return to derive this amount of money is $1,400,000.  Therefore, if you are like many, if you do not have investments, real estate, any type of royalty... or if nearing retirement,  a 401K or IRA that is worth this amount, then this is "an alternative" to get to the same income goal.

40 People in this entire world... can you find 40 people and groom each into a reliable business partner - and be their friend and mentor?  40 solid people with skills and credibility who share your goals and vision - based on solid and stable relationships?  This doesn't sound like a tall order.  The viability of it happening for you - is completely dependent on you - and your ability to acquire and apply new information over the next 12 months.

Our Community exists to aid in this process: to strategically find and mentor 40 People (as a starting point) to achieve financial security and potentially, generational wealth.  It is entirely possible, however, it is also entirely disruptive to your life.  Most people can not deal with this disruption and engage in "what it takes".

If you are sick-of-life as you are currently living it, if you are willing to endure some short-term pain in modifying your lifestyle... and learn and apply new habits over the next 12 months... join us.

Friday, October 12, 2018

A Way to Make Money

This post is about simplicity.

Recently, I found myself talking with a 20-year old guy about his future... whether he had a resume... and his frustration with being overlooked at his job for "promotions".  The conversation migrated to what I do for extra money and I found myself talking about our Community, getting into the "weeds" about "how" we make money... about the industry... about the products...

In retrospect, I would have been much better off if I just kept it to, "It's a way to make money".  Then I should have said, if you want to know more, go to this website, then if you have any interest in learning more, send me an email at ______.

We have many, many websites to point people to - depending on the person we are talking to.  Then, "our system" is to have a Gmail autoresponder message set up that provides information in detail and they have this within 60-90 seconds.

That's it.  Keep it simple.  Don't oversell.  Let the system(s) do the work.  Especially if you are "new", the last thing you want to find yourself doing is defending... by providing too much information to someone who is naturally curious and typically skeptical.  The problem is you do not yet have "the marbles out of your mouth" to concisely convey the power of what we do and you will end up talking past and confusing what is really a simple proposition.

We offer people a way to make money.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Making decisions can be gut-wrenching.  This is especially true if risks are involved.  However, the right decision can change your life and your family's future forever.  So... how do you decide?

One of the core statements of our Community is, "Give us 10% or your trust, we will attempt to earn the other 90%".  The thing is, trust is developed over time and through information gathering.  Therefore, we give wide berth to peoples' process in evaluating and integrating new information and judging it on its merits.  The last thing we want is to be perceived as wham-bam closers.  The final result (the ultimate goal of what we do) is a lifelong business partnership.  This is far too important for a"quick hustle".

We actively seek thoughtful, careful, measured people, not quick-hit artists.  Our orientation is culture-based and ascribing to values and norms.  Primary among these is respecting peoples' process to question - and to eliminate ambiguity about whether what we do is plausible and viable (for them).  We encourage learning at every step, both before and after joining.  Learning and decisions take time.  This is as it should be.

If you spend any time on this blog delving into the posts, you will find other references to "decisions are a function of information". [ d=(f)i  ]  Our role is to invite people to have a look at what we do and then provide information for them to evaluate.  We help people make decisions that are in their best interest, as a consultant and advisor - not as a closer looking to make the next buck.

Each individuals' circumstances and process is different.  Some will "see it" and jump in immediately.  Some take days and weeks to wrap their head around it.  Some never give the serious consideration (we think) it deserves and do nothing as a result.

It's all good.  That is what we do.  Invite and educate.  Some will get involved.  Some won't.  The "job" of what we do is to expose as many people as we can so they can make an informed decision about whether what we do has any merit and will fit with their character and lifestyle.

It roughly goes like this:  Expose.  Educate.  Engage.  Enroll.  Educate (more).  Earn.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Keep Your Colors Wet

The reality is this.  Most people are a dried, brittle canvas.  In terms of life experience and expectation, the oils have hardened, the acrylic is set, or... the water is dry.  Their futures seem certain as long as they continue to conform to what is expected and stay in their safe-zone of a job and benefits.

Most people feel "set" financially in meeting their bills and saving for Christmas and vacations.  No value judgment here, I am simply describing reality.  Most are "comfortable" with their lot in life and not seeking to rattle their status quo.  We wish them the best.

In keeping your colors wet, it enables moving around the mix on your canvas.  It maintains the possibility of the next brush stroke.  We are a community who are malleable to opportunity, wherever it may arise.  As such, we do/will not appeal to brittle canvases of the world.

We seek to attract artists wanting and willing keep adding depth and color to their canvas of life... to be open to the possibilities of what can be rendered, without having yet created it.  You can call it risk-taking or intrepid adventurism... but simply know that whatever "it" is, most people do not have "it".

Our job is simply to expose and invite people to have a look:  all the while welcoming their being objectively critical and thorough in their analysis.  Here's why:  what we do "stands up" to examination.

It is thoughtful.  It is thorough.  It is practical and it makes sense due to its simplicity.  It is not high art, but daily brush strokes that over time result in mastery.

Keep painting your life.  Create a vision of your higher self and expend the effort to achieve that vision.  It is not about the money.  It is about what the money will enable in terms of options.  It is about enhancing peoples' lives with money being the byproduct.

The canvas is yours.  Always keep your colors wet.  Life is, and will always be a work-in-progress.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Access to Economic Opportunity

This article is about tone.  It is about how we present ourselves to people evaluating what we do.  It is about "access" to an off-ramp on the highway of life.  Some people will choose to read the road sign, turn on their blinker and pull off to have a look.  Most will keep moseying on down the road without a thought of attending to what is passing by them.

Yes, we have something to offer.  Ultimately, it can be transforming in terms of income, lifestyle, and options people have.  Our ethos and values dictate that people understand that we are simply one of many options.  We feel no need to impress others in a showy manner but allow the overall "tone" of what we do carry-the-day, followed by responsible, descriptive information.

We don't want to be perceived as the latest, greatest, whiz-bang deal that you want to jump on and get rich with.  It is simply not that easy and does not work that way.  Therefore, our focus is the friction.  It is the work involved.  It is the competence gained through skills and knowledge acquisition.

The overall mechanics of what we do are no different than many, many other opportunities.  The value proposition of what we offer is how we go about posturing and explaining what we do.  We offer a portal to Economic Opportunity and invite people to step through it to experience what is on the other side.  Our goal is to be perceived as honest and measured in our approach.

As such, we are educators who provide information for people to evaluate.  We do not need to "sell".  People will see it, or they won't.  This is the nature of the "game".

At the end of the day, the more people you expose to what we have to offer, the more money you will make... with the caveat that you focus on, and build productive relationships with people you bring into our business.

As the old saying goes, we lead horses to water... however, humans have a bit more brain power in deciding whether they drink.  The point here is that we are "leading", not pushing or prodding.  Inherent in what we do is to create exposure to people who potentially may be interested based on varying degrees of being stuck and frustrated with their lives.

If the time is right, if the life-angst is high enough, if the few bucks it takes to get started are available... or, if the "risk" seems worth the effort, then people act and join.

The majority do not.  This is simply the reality of what we do.  The predicate to your success is the number of exposures you make to people who may potentially be interested in having a look.