About 40 People - An Explanation and Approximation

I have written other posts about "the money being in your list".  This post is related.  I have argued that building a large list and monetizing that list is certainly one viable strategy, however not an easy one - both in terms of the resources required to make it happen (a capture page, autoresponder, etc.) AND the entire process to make it happen.

Juxtaposed to this is a small list.  A group, if you will... of About 40 People.  Or, a tight-knit community of 40 who share common values, skills, goals... an interdependent, supportive, and cohesive structure all geared to each others' financial well-being.  Allow me to slice and dice this a few different ways.

So, why 40?  To be clear, I am starting here explaining the "end state".  This is the place you work toward and where you "end up" after a year's effort.  (You can't blink this into existence).

We use a progressive model that builds different income platforms.  The first starts at $40 (an instant pay / direct pay platform) that successively and progressively works to higher investment levels based on (and funded out of) earnings.  While engaged in this platform, you are gathering and training people.  Ultimately, you are finding the ones who will commit - and "stick" as long-term partners.

Ultimately, when you are in a position to do so, we participate in a $175 a month subscription.  Doing the math, $175 x 40 people = $7000.  If done right, and treated like a real business, you will want to claim this income for tax purposes.  So, you are in the 22% bracket.  $7000 x .78 = $54,600 a month "net".  This replaces most middle-class incomes.  And, this is just the baseline goal on which you build.

Another perspective on this:  $7000 x 12 months = $84,000 annually... from 40 people.  From a strong, committed, powerful group of people.

The amount of money you would need in investments with a modest 6% return to derive this amount of money is $1,400,000.  Therefore, if you are like many, if you do not have investments, real estate, any type of royalty... or if nearing retirement,  a 401K or IRA that is worth this amount, then this is "an alternative" to get to the same income goal.

40 People in this entire world... can you find 40 people and groom each into a reliable business partner - and be their friend and mentor?  40 solid people with skills and credibility who share your goals and vision - based on solid and stable relationships?  This doesn't sound like a tall order.  The viability of it happening for you - is completely dependent on you - and your ability to acquire and apply new information over the next 12 months.

Our Community exists to aid in this process: to strategically find and mentor 40 People (as a starting point) to achieve financial security and potentially, generational wealth.  It is entirely possible, however, it is also entirely disruptive to your life.  Most people can not deal with this disruption and engage in "what it takes".

If you are sick-of-life as you are currently living it, if you are willing to endure some short-term pain in modifying your lifestyle... and learn and apply new habits over the next 12 months... join us.


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