Showing posts with label business building basics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label business building basics. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2020

Old-School Cash Leverage Programs

Every business has to have a product or service to be legal.  Simply trading and leveraging money for the purpose of trading and leveraging money is considered a scheme, typically preceded by the adjectives of Ponzi or pyramid.

That said, one does not have to be in love with the associated product or service.  This gets a bit dicey to explain philosophically.  However, let me start here.  The goal of business is profitability.  Not every trinket trader is in love with all of the trinkets he imports from China.  He trades trinkets to make money.  It is a basis for commerce.  Anyone can think of 1000 examples.

I know an Electrical Engineer who sits at his computer all day in a small office at a large corporation.  He does not like what he does.  However, he is paid well for what he does.  He derives income.  That is his only goal in spending eight hours of his life a day doing what he does.

Frankly, at the end of the day, to me (ultimately) what we "sell", or the product or service that legitimizes the businesses we represent are secondary.  Mandatory, but secondary.  If the product or service is "lovable", all the better, but secondary.

The real issue is how money works:  the structure and leverage components.  Primarily, we use subscription and powerline programs (powerlines are characterized by one-up/two-up components).  Both of these structures are Old-School Cash Leverage Programs.  These are simple to understand and explain.

We start with one business.  We grow it.  Then we build and create a portfolio of income streams.  It is smart and strategic.  Things happen in time with strategic benchmarks based on growth.  Nothing is left to chance.  Everything has to make sense on a spreadsheet.

After all, that is how businesses are run and grown.  It minimizes risk and risk-taking.  You need to do your part and a road map will be tailored specifically to your situation.  Ultimately, you need to execute a plan and the Old School Cash Leverage Programs will work for you.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

About 40 People - An Explanation and Approximation

I have written other posts about "the money being in your list".  This post is related.  I have argued that building a large list and monetizing that list is certainly one viable strategy, however not an easy one - both in terms of the resources required to make it happen (a capture page, autoresponder, etc.) AND the entire process to make it happen.

Juxtaposed to this is a small list.  A group, if you will... of About 40 People.  Or, a tight-knit community of 40 who share common values, skills, goals... an interdependent, supportive, and cohesive structure all geared to each others' financial well-being.  Allow me to slice and dice this a few different ways.

So, why 40?  To be clear, I am starting here explaining the "end state".  This is the place you work toward and where you "end up" after a year's effort.  (You can't blink this into existence).

We use a progressive model that builds different income platforms.  The first starts at $40 (an instant pay / direct pay platform) that successively and progressively works to higher investment levels based on (and funded out of) earnings.  While engaged in this platform, you are gathering and training people.  Ultimately, you are finding the ones who will commit - and "stick" as long-term partners.

Ultimately, when you are in a position to do so, we participate in a $175 a month subscription.  Doing the math, $175 x 40 people = $7000.  If done right, and treated like a real business, you will want to claim this income for tax purposes.  So, you are in the 22% bracket.  $7000 x .78 = $54,600 a month "net".  This replaces most middle-class incomes.  And, this is just the baseline goal on which you build.

Another perspective on this:  $7000 x 12 months = $84,000 annually... from 40 people.  From a strong, committed, powerful group of people.

The amount of money you would need in investments with a modest 6% return to derive this amount of money is $1,400,000.  Therefore, if you are like many, if you do not have investments, real estate, any type of royalty... or if nearing retirement,  a 401K or IRA that is worth this amount, then this is "an alternative" to get to the same income goal.

40 People in this entire world... can you find 40 people and groom each into a reliable business partner - and be their friend and mentor?  40 solid people with skills and credibility who share your goals and vision - based on solid and stable relationships?  This doesn't sound like a tall order.  The viability of it happening for you - is completely dependent on you - and your ability to acquire and apply new information over the next 12 months.

Our Community exists to aid in this process: to strategically find and mentor 40 People (as a starting point) to achieve financial security and potentially, generational wealth.  It is entirely possible, however, it is also entirely disruptive to your life.  Most people can not deal with this disruption and engage in "what it takes".

If you are sick-of-life as you are currently living it, if you are willing to endure some short-term pain in modifying your lifestyle... and learn and apply new habits over the next 12 months... join us.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


We build things.  On the hub, we build groups of people who share a common interest of greater financial security.  In the spokes, we build other things.

We build knowledge and skills which builds self-esteem and self-confidence.  Along with this, we build hope and optimism that people can live a better future by simply participating in a Community Group that exists to steer people in a common direction.

We aspire to the good and noble in constructing the elements that form our whole. This whole has every potential to elevate individual lives beyond their current circumstance.  Daily, we lead people to a window and invite them to look outside at a new world of possibility. This cycle simply repeats itself.

We build a passion for helping others - with success begetting success - as we grow personally and collectively - as a Community.

And, in the manner we approach what we do, we build trust because without trust, none of the rest matters.

Monday, October 8, 2018


One way to look at what we do is simply to get people to agree with us.

We have a proposition that involves two components.
  1. People work together to leverage money in the context of a Community that is "ours" and something we choose to be a part of.
  2. Our foundation is a learning environment where we share knowledge and resources. 
Members of our Community are inherently inter-dependent and literally support each other with their ongoing financial participation - all equally, in a "parallel economy to our jobs".  This involves a commitment and responsibility that we all agree to.

Our tagline is also our mission statement, "We organize knowledge, people and money for everyone's benefit."   Our goal is to be as simple and straightforward as we can be in describing who we are and what we do.  At the same time, we never want to shy away from the fact in agreeing to participate, each member has a responsibility to grow.

Inherent in this growth, you create value.  You learn new things you will be able to pass along.  And, you will be paid in direct proportion to the level of value you create.

These are some of the basic ground rules for what we do.  Our job is to find people who understand and agree to a mature sense of purpose in helping elevate lives by inviting people to participate with us.


Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Daily Crisis of, "Can't Afford It"

I was in the grocery store recently.  There were two young kids with their mom.  The boy was about 7, the girl 4 or so.  Like most kids in the checkout line, they were wide-eyed and grabbing candy bars.  Even before they could ask, the Mom said, "Put it back, we can't afford it".  With a sunken whimper, they complied and that was that.

For me, I just stood as a stoic observer, but inside I was crushed for the kids.  They were just doing what kids do... testing limits and "going for it".  But, the thud of the Mom's authority struck me.  Their budget obviously could not withstand a frivolous candy purchase.  She didn't say, "Not this time" (or) "No, we got candy last time..."  It was like, shut 'em down, drop a rock on their head finality - and they knew there was no sense in arguing.  They were being trained to "not afford it".

This simple example is how many people live... on the edge and barely making it.  A $2 make-or-break proposition that sucks the life out of things.  It is the daily wearing down of peoples' souls because the money simply does not exist to buy $2 worth of happiness.  It is chronically being in crisis - day after day, month after month.  It is the definition of being stuck, frustrated and miserable... and a candy bar is just one little example of the millions of ways this can play out.

We simply offer an option.  A different, additional path to consider.

To have the tact and empathy to approach this Mom - and invite her to have a look at what we do and explain how we can help is just one little moment that may never avail itself again.  This was a woulda', shoulda', coulda' moment for me.  I didn't say anything to this Mom, this time.

These moments exist every day.  Our role is to ask for permission and invite them to evaluate something that may be able to help them.  In doing so, we potentially elevate peoples' lives.  You never know, unless you speak - you act.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Major in Your Life

OK.  This is a college (or education) analogy.  If you go to school, you are expected to learn things.  On these things, you get tested and get a grade.  Some people are honors students, some do the minimum and squeak by with C's and some fail.

Owning a business is really no different.  The premise here is that you can choose to go to school to learn and apply new things, or you can choose to do the minimum (or nothing) and let the status quo be "your life".  Note that the word "choose" is in both statements.

Now, taking this one more step, the tuition you pay (in real dollars) is next to nothing compared to a conventional college... and the education is essentially free.  What you are paying for with what we do is access to a platform that aggregates and tracks people and money.  There are literally thousands of these platforms.

The differentiator, the value proposition of what we offer is the culture and community that surrounds the money vehicle(s).  It is about norms and standards.  It is about shared values and expectations.  It is about time-defined (daily, weekly, monthly) disciplines.  But leave no doubt, it is all about EDUCATION and becoming competent, otherwise, the money does not really matter because the likelihood is that you will not make any.

This is no different than becoming an Accountant, Engineer, or any other Professional.  You need to learn things and then apply what you have learned on a consistent basis.  Said differently, you need to go to work every day.

Major in your life.  Elevate your circumstances.  Choose to change.  Embrace the saying, "If it is to be, it is up to me".

You are not alone.  We are here to help.  If you need help, ask for it, no different than office hours with a Professor.  When you graduate, you will have earned your "degree" in Life Transformation.