Major in Your Life

OK.  This is a college (or education) analogy.  If you go to school, you are expected to learn things.  On these things, you get tested and get a grade.  Some people are honors students, some do the minimum and squeak by with C's and some fail.

Owning a business is really no different.  The premise here is that you can choose to go to school to learn and apply new things, or you can choose to do the minimum (or nothing) and let the status quo be "your life".  Note that the word "choose" is in both statements.

Now, taking this one more step, the tuition you pay (in real dollars) is next to nothing compared to a conventional college... and the education is essentially free.  What you are paying for with what we do is access to a platform that aggregates and tracks people and money.  There are literally thousands of these platforms.

The differentiator, the value proposition of what we offer is the culture and community that surrounds the money vehicle(s).  It is about norms and standards.  It is about shared values and expectations.  It is about time-defined (daily, weekly, monthly) disciplines.  But leave no doubt, it is all about EDUCATION and becoming competent, otherwise, the money does not really matter because the likelihood is that you will not make any.

This is no different than becoming an Accountant, Engineer, or any other Professional.  You need to learn things and then apply what you have learned on a consistent basis.  Said differently, you need to go to work every day.

Major in your life.  Elevate your circumstances.  Choose to change.  Embrace the saying, "If it is to be, it is up to me".

You are not alone.  We are here to help.  If you need help, ask for it, no different than office hours with a Professor.  When you graduate, you will have earned your "degree" in Life Transformation.


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