Technology and Humanity

There is a saying in the online marketing space that "the money is in your list".  The assumption is that the bigger your "database" of names is, the bigger pond you have to go fishing in.  It follows that then the more likely you will be able to make money as a function of large numbers.  Then, let autoresponders reach out to people with the latest and greatest offer.  This is not our model.  A large email or subscriber list is one way to go about things, especially for affiliate marketers selling other people's stuff.  However, what we do is more focused on quality than quantity.

Said differently, our focus is on humanity.  We strive to build deep and long-lasting relationships... not to interact with "names" on a list and see if the flavor-of-the-day might appeal to them.  Please do not misunderstand, there is value in a large list, but it is not where anyone starts... and therefore telling people to have (or get) a list is fundamentally bad advice as a place to start.  Obviously, the "large list" crowd would disagree.

Our model requires only 40-50 people who are fully participating to replace most middle-class incomes, and these 40-50 are built in a group, by the group.  It is uncannily smart.

This is not a technology-driven large list.  This is a drop in the bucket list that is driven by trust and reciprocal best-interests.  Humanity is what drives our business.  It is about helping people elevate beyond their current circumstances.  It is about hope anchored to pragmatism.  It is about bright futures being tied to daily disciplines.

Ultimately, it is about being genuine and real with people in terms of what is required and expected if one is to achieve success.  This is the practical, human thing to do.


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