Saturday, September 24, 2016

An Appeal to Sensibilities

We market a subscription to make money.  If this is taking a moment to sink in, let's rearrange the words.  To make money, we market a subscription.

Essentially, this is our business model. It is a model that enables the development and growth of monthly income.  For the same / predictable / fixed amount that you invest each month, you have the opportunity to receive an unlimited number of subscriptions equal to the same amount - directly deposited into your bank account.

Stable, consistent, predictable money.  This is not a license to wave a wand and "poof" - it just happens.  But at the end of the day, when you have the knowledge, skills, and habits to generate these deposits, it is really a matter of doing the same thing over and over again.

Like many things, the concept is simple.  However, making it happen is not easy.  If it were, everyone would be doing it.

I talk about the obstacles in many other posts on this blog.  The biggest one is most peoples' inability to adapt to change and incorporate new things into their lives / lifestyles.

For this post, I want to keep the "conversation" at a high level and aspirational.  Without the hype, I simply and realistically want to point to the possibility of something that is potentially life altering. To get there, you need to learn all you can, analyze and judge, then jump on board if you think what we do is viable and makes sense.

Our goal as a community is to help.  We teach what we do.  We teach how to find, educate and enroll subscribers.  Sensibly. Practically. Realistically.  While at the same time, strenuously advocating for and engendering the ethos of community, shared experience and financial inter-dependence.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Subscription Income: Become the Magazine Publisher or the Cable Company

We build a subscriber base - on a couple of levels.

First, we ask people to subscribe to our ideas.  We seek people who are willing to adopt our philosophy and values.  Our goal is to build a community that is driven by competence.  Competence infers knowledge and skills, learning and teaching and being a professional at what we do.

Second, we ask people to subscribe to a monthly commitment of money.  This is just like any other subscription, whether it be a magazine, a cable bill or a health club membership.

The difference is this:  you become the magazine publisher or the cable company.  You are the one collecting monthly subscription payments.  In return for your single monthly investment that you make to someone else,  you put yourself in the position to receive many multiple subscription payments to you.

Ultimately we put you in the position to create your own economy. We develop a community of people who share a common understanding and vision, which can (relatively quickly) develop into a full-time income.

  • Our business model compounds money through the application of well understood and time-tested financial mechanics. Our business avails these to you.  
  • We create leveraged residual income employing a simple, automatic monthly subscription.  Our business provides the structure to make this happen.  

It works - and is easy to understand.  Month after month after month - you build a subscriber base that grows and grows and grows.  All you have to do is share the idea like we are doing here.

It is new.  It is technology enabled.  It is simple.  It is clean.  It makes sense.  We are eager to fill in the details for you.