A Way to Make Money

This post is about simplicity.

Recently, I found myself talking with a 20-year old guy about his future... whether he had a resume... and his frustration with being overlooked at his job for "promotions".  The conversation migrated to what I do for extra money and I found myself talking about our Community, getting into the "weeds" about "how" we make money... about the industry... about the products...

In retrospect, I would have been much better off if I just kept it to, "It's a way to make money".  Then I should have said, if you want to know more, go to this website, then if you have any interest in learning more, send me an email at ______.

We have many, many websites to point people to - depending on the person we are talking to.  Then, "our system" is to have a Gmail autoresponder message set up that provides information in detail and they have this within 60-90 seconds.

That's it.  Keep it simple.  Don't oversell.  Let the system(s) do the work.  Especially if you are "new", the last thing you want to find yourself doing is defending... by providing too much information to someone who is naturally curious and typically skeptical.  The problem is you do not yet have "the marbles out of your mouth" to concisely convey the power of what we do and you will end up talking past and confusing what is really a simple proposition.

We offer people a way to make money.


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