
Making decisions can be gut-wrenching.  This is especially true if risks are involved.  However, the right decision can change your life and your family's future forever.  So... how do you decide?

One of the core statements of our Community is, "Give us 10% or your trust, we will attempt to earn the other 90%".  The thing is, trust is developed over time and through information gathering.  Therefore, we give wide berth to peoples' process in evaluating and integrating new information and judging it on its merits.  The last thing we want is to be perceived as wham-bam closers.  The final result (the ultimate goal of what we do) is a lifelong business partnership.  This is far too important for a"quick hustle".

We actively seek thoughtful, careful, measured people, not quick-hit artists.  Our orientation is culture-based and ascribing to values and norms.  Primary among these is respecting peoples' process to question - and to eliminate ambiguity about whether what we do is plausible and viable (for them).  We encourage learning at every step, both before and after joining.  Learning and decisions take time.  This is as it should be.

If you spend any time on this blog delving into the posts, you will find other references to "decisions are a function of information". [ d=(f)i  ]  Our role is to invite people to have a look at what we do and then provide information for them to evaluate.  We help people make decisions that are in their best interest, as a consultant and advisor - not as a closer looking to make the next buck.

Each individuals' circumstances and process is different.  Some will "see it" and jump in immediately.  Some take days and weeks to wrap their head around it.  Some never give the serious consideration (we think) it deserves and do nothing as a result.

It's all good.  That is what we do.  Invite and educate.  Some will get involved.  Some won't.  The "job" of what we do is to expose as many people as we can so they can make an informed decision about whether what we do has any merit and will fit with their character and lifestyle.

It roughly goes like this:  Expose.  Educate.  Engage.  Enroll.  Educate (more).  Earn.


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