What Would You Do to Save Yourself?

I once worked with a guy in a retail environment.  He was about 40, had 6 kids... was articulate, knew his job and was good at what he did.  At the same time, he was literally drowning in frustration and hated what he did.

Although he uses computers all day every day at work, he defined himself as a computer illiterate outside of the confines of the tools we used.  I always found this irony interesting.

I have a pretty strict guideline of not mixing my home business with those whom I associate with on a daily basis.  Nonetheless, when I have written different pieces for this series, I have naturally mentioned some of them to him.  His lack of interest has always puzzled me.

This brings me to the question of this title.  "What would you do to save yourself?"  I mention my co-worker simply because I think he represents many people who hate their lives and what they are obligated to do (go to a job they hate) in order to meet their bills.  It is the classic definition of being "stuck".  Every day... year after year.

So let me ask you:  what would you do?  Our business requires a bit of risk of time and money... followed by doing things on a daily basis to effect an outcome.  x=y.  Do the things, get the outcome.  It is not quite that linear at first, but ultimately with time, it is.

Save yourself.  It doesn't need to be with what we do.  Simply commit to doing something to save yourself... from the lack of money... from the frustration of having a job you hate... from all of the choices you need to make because you can't afford it...

What we do is just one option.  The key is to find your "side thing" and make it happen.  One of the articles I shared with my co-worker was, "You Can't Out-Earn Your Self Image".  As long as you continue to define yourself as an hourly wage worker and see (or seek) no other alternatives, you will remain stuck.

So, let me ask again, "What Would You Do to Save Yourself?"


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