You Can't Out-Earn Your Self Image

This post is about hope - seasoned with realism.  The Working Poor No More Community exists to help people elevate themselves financially.  While this is a worthy "goal statement", it presupposes a great deal in terms of how to get there.

There are a number of different (competing?) schools of thought in regard to what is important to understand in the home business arena.  Many people package and sell this information in their own "system", not all that different than what is done here in the WPNM Community - the difference being is that we do not attempt to make money from our information.  It is free and open to anyone given its universal truth - intended (again) to help people regardless of their business affiliation(s).

The notion of out-earning your self-concept has everything to do with mindset.  Some preach that this is the "all important" first step to success.  I am inclined to agree - to a point.  The other major school of thought is "taking action".  Or, engaging in business-building activities on a daily basis.  This has everything to do with choices of how to invest available time, lifestyle modification, and adapting to the fact that your life will be (and needs to be) inherently different - as a business owner who consciously controls your daily activity... creating your own resources, making contacts, following up with people who are interested and evaluating what we do... and working with people in your group to grow their skills and business.

Therefore, if you combine mindset and action-taking you have a reasonable foundation for launching a successful business.   The first step in defining success is making your first dollar.  This means that someone will have said "yes" to your offer.  They are now a-part-of what we do and you now have the responsibility to help them grow by teaching and modeling the habits of a successful home business owner.  The important thing to recognize is that this does not happen on its own and inherently requires a relationship that has the components of communication and accountability.

So, unless you see yourself as a leader and teacher with something to offer (or understanding that this needs to be your destination), what we do may not be the best fit for you.  Your self-image needs to be that you provide genuine value to others and there is value in partnering with you.  Otherwise, you will simply be a ticket-taker to an "opportunity" and once people pass through the gate, they will go and be lost in a whole stadium of people.  This can't be you.  You have to accompany them to their seat and watch and explain the game.

The Law of Compensation basically means reaping what you sow.  Another way to frame this is that you are compensated in direct proportion to the value you offer.  This means leading, teaching and mentoring.  It also means casting aside the mindset of where you are (were?).  You need to re-define who you are and be able to articulate (verbally and in writing) the value proposition you offer.

When you learn to incorporate these things into your self-image, there will be no limit to what you can earn.  And, this earning has a direct correlation to the success you have in others emulating who you are and what you do.

The amount of money you earn is not the yardstick to be measured by.  The real important metrics are all the fundamentals that contribute to your true asset - which is the community you build - the loyalty and fidelity to that community - and the long-term relationships that are the building blocks of that community.

This has to be ingrained in who you are and how you function as a home business owner.


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