Lists versus Community
Anyone who has been around internet marketing for any length of time has heard the saying, "The money is in your list". For some businesses this is true - especially affiliate offers or an Amazon or Shopify store. Or, for information and private label products. There are more... Many of these list advocates (you guessed it) market their list-building funnels with an attached affiliate opportunity to push their funnel. This convenient and ultimately symbiotic function is great for low cost and "free plus shipping" deals, however, they are not necessarily what is needed to build an organization that is built upon a community, support, and interdependence - with a higher ticket, lower volume numbers. Large lists work for what they are intended to do - and many people make a ton of money with this strategy. However, many would have you believe that the "be-all-and-end-all" in internet marketing is building a large list. This is simply not true. Our...