
Showing posts from May 31, 2015

The Problem Most of Us Share

There is a problem most of us share.  We struggle to get by, financially.  I am not certain you would want to wear the label, but I am certain I among the working poor. In my view, this is a relative term based upon how your income stacks up against your bills.  I define the working poor more in terms of the amount of stress that is induced by not having enough money to do the things you want. For most of us, there are reasons we have continued to live hand-to-mouth, have little to no investment income or simply have no money in savings.   We each have our cross to bear...  my wife characterizes our lifestyle as, "the very low end of comfortable". What this means as a practical matter is that we can meet all of our bills, go out to dinner once in a while... but we do not hold season tickets to the theater, we drive a 3 year old sub-compact car and we have not gone on a real vacation in a few years.  When we did, we decided to splurge and blow our tax ...