Financial Literacy, Leverage, and Understanding Growth
One of our marketing sites is "Three Steps to Retire at Any Age". This is a pretty bold and provocative title. The three steps outline a pragmatic "system" that can be followed and combines a progressive rationale from simple to more complex. In the beginning, little is required except to commit and get going. This means developing a few simple resources that enable people to get to know you (a simple "About Me" site and how to set up a couple of Gmail accounts that are used in different ways). Then, it is just a matter of exposing people to any of our Marketing Sites that are specifically focused on the people we target. At the end of the day, we engage in what we do to create income. Our model leverages both money and people (or, people and their money) for each others' benefit. We are inter-dependent. We rely on each other and pool resources by choosing vehicles to participate with. These vehicles provide a structure that is co...