
Showing posts from July 29, 2018

Fear is Temporary. Regret is Forever.

I understand caution and holding on to the reins as tightly as you can.  I understand a conservative approach to life and having all of your bills met.  I understand not "acting" on something because it is beyond your current world-view and does not match with the current status quo. There is fear of loss (financially, time, credibility).  There is a fear of self (can I do it?).  There is fear of not knowing what to do.  There is fear of others (said differently, can I trust the person or thing has my best interest in mind?)  And actually, there is fear of success (for example, if money is not a concern, as a couple, then do we really don't need each other?).  There are many more examples. Fear is the driver that prevents people from moving forward.  (I am budgeted so tightly, I can not rob Peter to pay Paul to come up with the money to get started).  This is many peoples' situation, and it keeps them stuck. Our role is to provide a saf...

To Do Lists

Ponder this for a minute:  You don't know what you are doing if you don't know what you are doing. This gets to the core of the daily discipline of being organized and getting stuff done.  Chances are if you are not keeping yourself accountable to things written on a list, you are being far less productive than you could be. It can be an app or a software program... if you use the list function in Gmail or Outlook (which is what I do)... or if you have a notebook and pen... or the back of a napkin... you are robbing yourself of productivity if you are not crossing things off of a list as you get them completed. Having a list is the same thing as knowing what you are doing.  It inherently forces intentionality... i.e., "what do you intend to get done today?"  I am not going to extend this discussion to objectives and goals, but they are all related. Write things down.  Execute on the things.  Then, cross the things off when completed. ...

You are "Paid" for Attention and Mentorship

The title here is about your income in a home business being directly correlated to the value you offer.  I encourage you to think about the people you enroll in your business as clients and investors.  They have paid you (invested in) your services.  Clients (can and should) have expectations that you will "deliver" by attending to their needs - by being a good mentor and role model.  No different than an Attorney, Accountant, or any other professional who are retained for their expertise and the results they deliver. Service and value are at the foundation of the Law of Compensation.  You will reap what you sow.  Our community is built on a foundation of norms and values and primary among them is that you build an organization based on quality and competence. If so, you will build an organization that will last and your future security will be on much more solid ground.

Re-Wiring Time for Productivity

When will it happen?  When will you make it happen?  If you are a generally busy person, you need to nail down segments of time.  Let me provide an example. Writing this piece takes time.  I have an appointment at 11:00 am.  It is now 9:15.  I need a half hour to shower and get dressed.  That gives me 45 minutes or so to write this and then I am out the door. So what? (you may ask).  Here's the deal.  I am consciously jamming productivity into my day.  I am being mindful and intentional.  I am taking action.  This has been the case for the 100+ posts I have written for my readers, in addition to all the other things I do to grow my business. Now, apply this snippet to your own life.  How can you best-utilize bits and pieces of time?  It starts with understanding the big picture of what your firm commitments are (work or going to class, sleep, personal hygiene, eating, walking your dog...) then all the rest ...

Money Instructions

Bake a cake, put together a bookshelf that comes in a box, learn how to operate your new remote for your TV... you simply read the instructions and do as they say.  What we do isn't quite that simple, but almost.  Whether we call it instructions or principles, let's get to the point. There are core things you need to understand in managing a home business. Everything hinges on you having a way to get "what you have" in front of people for them to evaluate.  We specifically target types (or groups) of people and use methods that are low cost or no cost.  If you are not telling people about what you do, you are not in business - and your business will not survive, let alone grow.  This has to be done with regularity and consistency.  Initially, it is all you do.  Then, you need to apportion chunks of time to teach others what you do. Inherent in doing #1, requires a commitment of time.  This time will replace old patterns and habits.  We w...