
Showing posts from March 3, 2019

Ten Cents a Day Prospecting

One of these a day is 16 touches.  Per week: 112.  Per month:  458.  No need to get a re-direct URL initially.  Simply make a word document and print it.  Then take it to your favorite Copy Center and make as many copies as make sense. Staple them together in Packs of 10 or so, and place on Bulletin Boards... anywhere there are bulletin boards.  Need help?  Reach out to your enroller. Please know that the links in this flyer are "active" and belong to the author of this blog and this is a resource I actually use.  This post is for illustration purposes.  DO NOT join with me if you are working with someone else.  Use their links.  Do not fill out any forms on my resources if you were introduced by someone else.  Thanks.