
Showing posts from September 27, 2020

Influencers, Influence and Trust

 A big part of what determines our success is our ability to influence others.  The way we position ourselves in the vast ocean of "opportunities" to make money is central to how we are perceived. This positioning has a direct bearing on our ability to influence and be trusted. So, what is this positioning?  It is many things, however, it starts with education that is honest and reliable in terms of explaining the unvarnished truth about "what it takes" to be successful in managing a home business.  Then, mentorship and a long-term frame of reference have to be near the top of the list.  Lifestyle adaptation and time management.  And, so much more that is talked about in this Community. Most think of "influencers" as people with huge audiences (email lists or social platform followers) who in turn (given their mass exposure) have the ability to have an influence on this audience.  You have the opportunity (and challenge) to do the same - and at the sam...