
Showing posts from January 13, 2019

Constructive Change: ADAPT

I had a Professor in Grad School named Max Raines.  The ADAPT model is his.  It was explained to us in the context of High School Seniors making the transition to a successful college experience.  As you will see, the model here is used in making the transition from "where you are" to "where you want to be" as an entrepreneur/home business owner. To make this happen will require thought and introspection.  It will require work and humility as well as honesty and vulnerability. ADAPT is an acronym with each letter representing the following:  1) A ctivate Commitment, 2) D evelop Supports, 3) A djust Expectations, 4) P rioritize Goals, and 5) T ranspose Identity. So, let's take each of these and apply it to help us get from "here to there".  Each of these areas is meant to be a brief introduction.  When learning this content, it was a full semester for me. 1) Activate Commitment :  This is putting a stake in the ground.  It i...