Plant a Flag on Your Dreams
What follows may or may not apply to you. Perhaps you are self-actualized and wealthy; both spiritually and financially. Most people fall short of this. If so, my wish is that these thoughts instill some hope and some clarity. There are a lot of things that take place inside of our specific Community as well as the Communities of our Affiliate Partners. Ultimately, we are "in the business" of helping people rise above their current circumstances, to the extent that additional financial resources can make this happen. "Planting a Flag" essentially means making a commitment. The question is, whether something is worthy of your commitmenmt of time and resources? Does something you evaluate as a "means" to earn additional income hold up to scrutiny? Does it make sense? Can you justify and defend your involvement in whatever you choose to do? Do you have the conviction and moral authority of "knowing" that what you are commiting to - is w...