
Showing posts from April 12, 2015

Opportunity Marketing

Of all the ways to make money, from the conventional to the less conventional, there has to be value in what is offered - significant enough to compel a purchase.  From a 6 year old selling lemonade in front of their house on a hot day, to a mansion on a bluff overlooking the ocean - both have to have perceived value.  A neighbor wants to quench their thirst and help a child, or a family with the means to afford it, wanting a stunning view of the harbor.  In either case, there is something driving the decision. Opportunity Marketing is a bit different, in the fact that the "value" is in the "opportunity" to make money.  Although with all companies that promote money-making-opportunities, there has to be a product for sale, the real ethos that drives participation is not the products, but the money that can be earned.  The question is, is this inherently a good or bad thing? So, let me ask a question:  Is earning money an end in itself?  Or, why do ...