Income is a Function of Education I=(f)Ed
Everyone has heard the advice, "go to school, get a good job with benefits, contribute to your retirement", etc. Going to school typically means getting an advanced degree in something, or going to a trade school to acquire the knowledge and skills be a ____________ (fill in the blank). Making money in any context starts with learning new things. Money manifests when an effective effort is applied to acquiring new knowledge, which is then applied to the performance of new skills, which is then applied consistently over time to form new habits. These new habits translate to income-producing behaviors - backed by a foundation of applied expertise. This is how it works. No short cuts. It requires effort and stuffing new "stuff" in your noggin. When I was in college, introductory, freshman-level courses were two digits, typically starting with 80. Then, progressively the deeper learning in a subject area (and as I progressed through my college years...