Emotional Energy and a Second Job
Whether you define it as emotional energy, or simply as just energy, this is a simple component of your success to understand. Most people we recruit already have a primary job, as you probably do as well. Inherently, what we are asking people to do is to jam something "extra" into their lives. No matter how thoughtfully and constructively we frame it, no matter how much we can preach time management, regardless of how we define business-building activities - at the end of the day we add "something else" to peoples' lives. I am not going to go down the "why" path, e.g. people need to have a strong enough "why" to compel them to action. Fundamentally, what precedes this is emotional energy. It is the internal transfer of energy from your head and your heart to your hands, feet, and will to communicate. In other words, knowing what to do is not enough. Doing it is everything. (And) this requires fortitude (emotional energy). At his point,...