
Showing posts from April 9, 2017

Your Business - 10 Things to Consider

Here are 10 things worth pondering and understanding: Your business is finding people who embrace the idea of partnering with you to make money.   Your business is not the business you "represent".  The businesses you represent is the tool you use to make money. If you love and are zealous about the business you represent, your passion will be a sales asset, however... The true asset in your business is the strength of the relationships you build with people and everyone's' level of commitment.  This is grounded in their monetary success. Long-term success in our industry is a function of the social group.  Inclusion and support of a community of people who share the same goals and values are foundational to success - and many companies/businesses provide this kind of culture.  This is as it should be. As such, fidelity to a core business is also foundational to success. However, once established, a portfolio approach to expanding earning opportunities w...