PaaP Businesses
Platform as a Product (PaaP) businesses have been around (in earnest) for at least a decade. These businesses provide the system, processes, and administrative functionality to both market and track digital commerce. Most require a one-time (or periodic) Administration Fee that is paid to the Platform owner. As well, many now have peer-to-peer-based money-exchange models where funds (the commerce) is made on platforms such as Bitcoin, PayPal,, Stripe, Googlepay, etc. Typically, these platforms have training information or service-based offers. However, no matter "what" the offer is, all have a front-end marketing system (capture pages, autoresponders, sizzle calls, chatbots, etc.) and a back-end where "the business" is tracked and administered. This marketing and administrative platform is the product. It enables Social Commerce where people agree to participate in the exchange of money for mutual benefit by engaging with "the platform...