Deadbeat Sponsorship is a Culture Issue
Social Commerce has an inherent problem of the blind leading the blind. It is a function of people joining people who have "joined" and neither have a real clue of what to do - beyond making a list of 100 names. The question is: is this an industry issue, or an individual company issue? Well, you can't really control an entire industry. Therefore, the answer has to lie in all of the individual companies whose model is basically to let people "wing it". There is no structure, no planning, no accountability. This is for daily activities, scheduled communication (check-ins), or any other form of "active" mentorship/sponsorship. For most, sponsorship ends when the transaction is complete. It's simply a, "OK, I got mine. Good luck in going to get your's" approach. The contention of this post is that this is when the "relationship" should begin. The issue is that there is no formal process (in most scenarios) to ...