Everyone Wants a Map

So... if everyone wants a map, is it the same map?  Does the same map get everyone to the same destination?  I don't think so.

If you are talking a literal, conventional map with roads and streets... sure, the concept applies.  However, here, we are talking about a map to the "promised land" of success, profitability, leadership, etc.  As such, everyone has a different starting point and this is why we say, "we will work with you based on what you bring to the table".  In other words, we may know where we are going, but the route to get there has to be tailored and specific to an individual's starting point.

This is based on current skills, amount of time, the amount of money, likes and dislikes, introversion versus extroversion... ultimately, what someone is "willing" to do.  But leave no doubt, "something" has to be done.  This is not an empty gesture.

The "map" has to have directions.  On the first leg of the journey, you go here (do this).  Then, on and on and on.

Everyone wants and deserves to have a map.  Our job is to create that map with them and provide the coaching and mentorship to ensure that on each leg of the journey the wheels are rolling.  In other contexts, I have referred to this as cheerful accountability.

Now, to hold someone accountable, you need to have a relationship such that it is comfortable to ask, "What did you do today to advance your business?"  Or, what are your goals for this coming week?  Or, how can I help in getting you to take action?  Or, to simply say, I care about your success, how can I help?

This is a major contributing factor in this industry's abysmal failure rate.  No support.  No accountability... no relationships in what is supposed to be a relationship business.

Your success depends on being different.  If you have recruited someone and they have paid money to be in business with you, and you will profit from their efforts... this is part and parcel of the package of what they have bought and should expect from you.

Provide a map (mentorship and leadership).  Use our tools to get to know those you sponsor.  Build relationships.  Be actively engaged in people's success.  Learn to be a velvet hammer and understand that you have the ability to significantly impact peoples' lives.  Evolve personally and use this evolution to grow an organization in your likeness. 

It all starts with tailoring a map (strategy) with each person you partner with and then working with and building them into a leader replete with skills, resources, habits, credibility... 

Sound like work?  Nothing happens in growing business unless you are actively engaged in helping people.


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