Influencers, Influence and Trust
A big part of what determines our success is our ability to influence others. The way we position ourselves in the vast ocean of "opportunities" to make money is central to how we are perceived. This positioning has a direct bearing on our ability to influence and be trusted.
So, what is this positioning? It is many things, however, it starts with education that is honest and reliable in terms of explaining the unvarnished truth about "what it takes" to be successful in managing a home business. Then, mentorship and a long-term frame of reference have to be near the top of the list. Lifestyle adaptation and time management. And, so much more that is talked about in this Community.
Most think of "influencers" as people with huge audiences (email lists or social platform followers) who in turn (given their mass exposure) have the ability to have an influence on this audience. You have the opportunity (and challenge) to do the same - and at the same time continually reinforce the "positioning" mentioned in the previous paragraph. It is your brand: truthful, reliable, real, viable...
To get everything off of the ground, this begs the question of your personal "circle of influence" and how you grow and monetize it. This personal circle is people with whom you have natural similarities and rapport, NOT your family and friends. With this in mind, do you really need to become a "brand" that stands for something? Or, is it sufficient just to be affiliated with products, services, platforms, and opportunities where this credibility and influence is "baked in the cake" based off of the inertia and success of whatever you promote?
Well, either scenario is plausible. However, the more control you have over your own narrative (your own brand), inherently, the more value you are in a position to offer. This offered-value is the key metric of the amount of money you stand to make.
How? If you are a credible and reliable source of information - you build trust with your audience. Your influence is predicated on the recommendations you provide in terms of resources to use, the people you recommend listening to, and ultimately the income platforms you recommend being associated with.
The key point here is that whether you realize it or not, you are an influencer from Day 1. Your role is to move people along in an information acquisition process and during this process supply counsel and support as followers and subscribers are gathering what they need to know to make a purchase (or involvement) decision. The whole time you are building and maintaining a posture of being worthy of someone trusting you with their money, their time, and ultimately in many cases, their future.
You must be an influencer who builds (and is worthy of) trust and this trust is earned through every micro-move you make, every day, every hour... to the point of being worthy of emulation as a "standard" and effective role model.
There are no shortcuts. It all has to be earned. Purposefully. Strategically. Daily,
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