The definition of security differs for everyone. For some, having a "secure job" meets their definition. For others, being on a track for a secure retirement needs to fit into the equation. For many, the idea of not having to depend on someone else is key to their definition. In this sense, security has everything to do with control - and having the ability to control your life and your future.
Our market is not people who fit neatly into the first two categories and who are satisfied with their stable existence. Therefore, right off of the top, we can exclude 80% of the population who are employed and buying-in to the conventional American dream of a house, a car and meeting all of their bills.
Your potential success will be affected if you do not understand this reality. And, it begs the question of who we target as "higher" probability prospects. Are there groups/populations who inherently have an "itch to scratch" as it relates to security and improving their personal status quo? On the one end of the continuum are people who are unemployed or underemployed, which one would think makes them inherently "hungry". If you are to believe the current national statistics, this percentage of the population is now 4.6%. So, that will never get us there.
Then, if we apply the 80/20 rule, and assume that 80% of people think they are doing 'just fine', this leaves about 15% of people who have the attitude and aptitude to "innovate" and do something different in their lives. This is 15% of people who will take a risk, get out of their comfort zone - and who have the initiative and drive to do something more with their lives.
Therefore, your personal security is inherently dependent on finding and educating a minority of innovators and early adopters. It also points to the fact that you can waste a lot of time and money on chasing your tail in pursuing non-viable people. In other words, to work smart, you need to "get clear" on who our market is, and who it is not.
We will help you get there. To talk about these market segmentation strategies here, would really be tantamount to providing the keys to the cash box and are considered proprietary.
How, who, when, and why we target and approach potential business partners is both a fundamental skill and understanding that will contribute to your success and personal stability.
Our market is not people who fit neatly into the first two categories and who are satisfied with their stable existence. Therefore, right off of the top, we can exclude 80% of the population who are employed and buying-in to the conventional American dream of a house, a car and meeting all of their bills.
Your potential success will be affected if you do not understand this reality. And, it begs the question of who we target as "higher" probability prospects. Are there groups/populations who inherently have an "itch to scratch" as it relates to security and improving their personal status quo? On the one end of the continuum are people who are unemployed or underemployed, which one would think makes them inherently "hungry". If you are to believe the current national statistics, this percentage of the population is now 4.6%. So, that will never get us there.
Then, if we apply the 80/20 rule, and assume that 80% of people think they are doing 'just fine', this leaves about 15% of people who have the attitude and aptitude to "innovate" and do something different in their lives. This is 15% of people who will take a risk, get out of their comfort zone - and who have the initiative and drive to do something more with their lives.
Therefore, your personal security is inherently dependent on finding and educating a minority of innovators and early adopters. It also points to the fact that you can waste a lot of time and money on chasing your tail in pursuing non-viable people. In other words, to work smart, you need to "get clear" on who our market is, and who it is not.
We will help you get there. To talk about these market segmentation strategies here, would really be tantamount to providing the keys to the cash box and are considered proprietary.
How, who, when, and why we target and approach potential business partners is both a fundamental skill and understanding that will contribute to your success and personal stability.
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