The Hot Dog: A Metaphor

We teach the skills to make money to people who want and need more money.  So, what does this have to do with hot dogs?  Well... not everyone likes hot dogs.  But let me ask, is there anyone who does not need or want more money?

We enlist people and encourage them to adopt a common (our) strategy.  We all agree that the "path we take" is sound and well-reasoned.  We choose to be inter-dependent and create a resource by contributing to and participating in that resource.   Some will agree and join with us on our journey.  Some won't give us "the time of day".

Likewise, not all people choose to eat hot dogs.  Some frankly, are grossed out by them.  Not all things appeal to everyone.  Essentially, there is a "finite universe" of hot dog eaters... as there is Ford Taurus buyers or Wrangler Jean wearers.  Not everyone goes to the movies or has season tickets to a pro sports team...  In each case, movies continue to be made, jeans and cars are manufactured and pro sports are not going anywhere... we could cite examples of "consumer behavior" until the cows come home.

So, one of the "raps" on what we do is that at some point, there will be no more people to "sell to".  And, at that point, these "schemes" we market all eventually fall apart.

My point in response to this is that a garden not tended will be overgrown by weeds and choke out the tomatoes and cucumbers.  No business will survive thinking you can set it and forget it.  Any business requires ongoing care and effort (tending).  And, as long as there is consistent effort applied long-term, there is no reason to believe that what we do is a "pyramid doomed to failure".  This is poppycock.  It is like saying hot dogs should no longer be manufactured because at some point, we will have reached the last hot dog eater.  The argument is silly.

People will evaluate a sober proposal and judge it on its merits.  We are proof of this.  To be discouraged by the myth that one day we will run out of people to talk to is simply that - a myth.

We are a Community that has consciously chosen band together and create our "own economy" by sharing a common strategy.  It will not resonate with everyone.  But then, just like the point being made here...

Not everyone likes hot dogs.  Not everyone eats hot dogs.

Not everyone will want to do what we do to earn extra income.  There are plenty of people who will and this "resource" keeps replenishing itself in cycle after cycle of school bills and graduations, job loss, childbirth, new homes and cars... in all these cases, people need more money than they had yesterday... therefore a new "candidate" for what we offer.

Our job is to simply get information in front of them to evaluate.


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