Shake Up Your World - A Rebirth of Magnificent Proportions
I approach this title with a certain amount of glee and aspiration. Our goal with this site is to motivate and instigate change. The admonition in the title is a call to action that will have life-altering implications. However, we always need to temper the hyperbole with reality. At the time of this writing in early January of 2017, we are typically called to make resolutions in a spirit of renewal We take a collective deep breath, and in a state of calm repose, make our best attempts to set goals for the year to come. With earnest intent, we set out conceptually to define how want things to be - in defining our future(s). Ultimately, you make decisions. Your life is the accumulation of the choices you have made. From the extent of your education to relationships and who you spend your time with, how much television you watch, your level of involvement with self-medicating, whether you have your future mapped out in writing... there are and there will be on-going choices you