Decent, Honorable People

As a business owner, I want to attract decent, honorable people.  This is important on a number of levels, not the least of which are the implications of attracting the opposite.

In my "day job", I manage a group of 72 people.  When I first introduce myself to any group I talk about having two extra eyes.  I then go on to explain that I really mean they need to have to extra "i's".  These two i's are initiative and integrity.  Decent, honorable people, for the most part, have these two i's.

Let me tell you how I define them.  Integrity means that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing when no one is watching.  Initiative means that you do things on your own, without having to be told.

In our business, you need to engage in productive daily activity.  Your sense of integrity needs to drive doing what you are supposed to be doing.  Discipline is absolutely essential.  And this rolls right into initiative because the only one you are accountable to is yourself.

However, the best organizations encourage teamwork and having an accountability partner.  An accountability partner can be one of your business partners, it can be your spouse, it can really be anyone who is tuned into your daily activity.  You need to "do" things to build your business.  Nothing happens on its own.

When you get started, all your time is spent marketing (getting your message or what you offer) in front of people for them to evaluate.  A portion of your time initially also needs to be spent building resources and learning tools.  Then, progressively more and more of your time will be spent supporting and teaching people in your business.

To bring this full circle, attracting decent, honorable people simply makes things easier and you will grow your business on a much more solid foundation when you attract people who understand their own character and can commit to doing what it takes to be successful.


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