The Seven Social Sins

At the end of the day, among all the ways we define ourselves, we are a social business. When I came across The Seven Social Sins, it was an "ah-ha" moment because these encapsulate so much of the Working Poor No More philosophy and what we strive to communicate to people in the process of evaluating whether to join us.

The Seven Social Sins are:
  • Wealth without work.
  • Pleasure without conscience.
  • Knowledge without character.
  • Commerce without morality.
  • Science without humanity.
  • Worship without sacrifice.
  • Politics without principle.
These represent our core values in regard to wealth, knowledge and commerce.  Of course, the rest are all good ponder fodder.  If you delve at any depth into this blog, you will find that wealth requires work, especially when like most of us, we start from nothing and incrementally build a business and better life.

Commerce without morality is a key differentiator in our marketing community.  You will find that truth and honesty drive every conversation to the point of discouraging people to join us if they can not commit to the change required in regard to fundamental lifestyle choices.

Hours need to be invested to build a business.  People having the ability to negotiate the transition from old habits to new habits will succeed.  Those who have the inability to focus and commit, less so.  And, although not a sin, the 8th might be:  "Success without change"... is simply an enduring principle that needs to be understood and embraced.  You will not and can not be the same person if you create success with us.  You need to understand this principle.  Your life need and ought to be different in terms of the choices of how you utilize and invest minutes and hours of your day(s),


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