First Complement - Second Replace - Then Retire

In general, I hesitate in talking too extensively about money. Although any business success  is ultimately "measured" by profitability, the money is the end and not the means... and without the means - talking about the end is simply a pipe dream.  This having been said, there is a path to retirement with our business.  The intent here is to share what this looks like.

The first goal is the first sale.  It all begins here.  We need to attract just one person who is interested and believes in what we do.  This breaking-of-the-ice (and breaking even) is all important and will establish the first bit of conviction that what we do is viable and do-able - for you.

Being realistic, we then need to learn how to grow.  As you grow, you can reach more things higher and higher on the learning tree and make connections between people and concepts.  During this time, you complement your income.  At first, it feels like tidbits and the return is not worth the investment.  This is how it is for almost everyone. Things do not happen overnight for most people. You need to be prepared for this.

However, once you create momentum, compared to most businesses, replacing your income can happen relatively quickly.  As an example, to replace a $60,000 income requires earning $5,000 a month.  Given how our business leverages people and money, this requires a group of 28 people who are investing at $175 a month.  This does not mean you need to find 28 people personally, but your group needs to be at 28 or 29 people. Typically, this would mean that you personally support 8-12 people.

"Relatively quickly" will vary for everyone.  One a month will get you to 12 in a year.  There are many examples of people getting to this level much more quickly.  How quickly you grow really depends on your ability to help and develop your people.  We encourage you to "go to school" on this.  During the first year, look at $175 a month as a tuition payment as you learn to earn.  By any objective standard, the "potential" of being able to consider retirement within a year is sobering. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to decide if this makes sense to you, and then, make it happen.

What will you need to retire?  For most people at the most fundamental level, this means meeting all of your bills and covering your own health insurance and taxes,   Very obviously, this is different for everyone, but again you now know the metrics of what it takes to get to $60K.

We leverage money through leveraging human development..  It is a wealth-building strategy that embraces peoples' competence as the key driver of success.  We are community -  culturally defined - as learners and teachers who are committed to ensuring each other's success.

If you can come to understand and trust that at our core, this is what drives us, you can and will represent us with the pride in  knowing what we do is a socially redeemable enterprise.


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