Money is a By-Product of Service and Value

Having been in or around the online money-making industry since the beginning of the internet, I have seen things come and go.  I am or have been on the email lists of many, many "gurus" who have marketed the latest and greatest systems, strategies and formulas.

I have been exposed to and evaluated "money-making opportunities" that are every color of the rainbow, at investment levels from 5 cents to $52,000.  Systems that use phone broadcasting, to postcards, to auto-posting to social media, local guerilla marketing, email autoresponders and capture pages.  And this is just the tip of the possibilities  Frankly, all of these have their place (and) are a fit for some but not for others - based on your background and experience.

To put it like my father would have said it, there are more ways to make money than "you can shake a stick at".  The corollary to this is that there is an equal number of people willing to impart advice on how to go about it.  Frankly, I am just one of these people.

The common theme of all successful internet entrepreneurs / digital marketers is a point that I make in many other posts on this blog.  Money is a By-Product of Service and Value.  What this means is practical terms is that "success/money" is driven by supporting peoples' learning curves to competence.  It follows that you need to have the knowledge and skills to impart.

The amount of money you will earn will grow incrementally with the level of service and value you provide.  This is a direct correlation.  This is an irrefutable "law" of online marketing. No skills and no value - beget no money.  Therefore, your "job" is to increase your skills and value so you can be of higher and higher levels of service to those you directly support and the internet marketing community in general.

This is the reality, and how it should be. I hope you appreciate the candor.


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