Our Marketing Sites (so far)

You can click on any of following sites to get a sense of how we approach market segmentation and drill down on specific groups, or geographic areas.  You will note they are all "neutral" in terms of contact information and does not disclose nor link to the business that drives our incomes.

Also, you will note that each site is built on a FREE Google Sites host.  They are simple, one page sites that encourage people to get back to the person who led them to the information.  As you advance in your skill sets, you can develop your own.

In any event, here's the list:

  • 401Konundrum - Targeted to people who are about to retire, but have done a less than adequate job at saving and planning for it.
  • Business Owners - Targeted to individually owned, small retail shops, food establishments, child care centers, contractors, etc.
  • Independent Grad - Targeted to college students, including fraternities and sororities as well as student organizations.  These can and should have discrete sites.
  • Money Club - This site is Money Club Warwick, which is my "home town".  It is obviously intended for local marketing.  The Banner can be changed and used in any town, anywhere.
  • Our Money Bus - This was one of the very early sites that is now primarily used as a follow-up site - to send people to as a further explanation.  You will note that the video is used at the end of a couple of the other sites.  This can stay or go, if you get to the point of creating your own sites..
  • Union175 - Targeted to Unions of any labor stripe.
  • Motivated Volunteers - Targeted to Fundraising Groups.  Youth Sports, Religious Affiliated, School Groups... any group seeking to make money.
It is important that you understand that these are additional resources that are specific to our Marketing Community.  There is a whole host of additional resources that our business provides and the larger marketing community provide.

Our group is one of many that all lead to our core business.  You will note on my "About Me" page on this blog, I am just one person out of thousands carving out "one way" to get from Point A to Point B, in terms of educating people about what we do, and then enrolling them in our business.

One aspect of our training is to teach you how to "employ" any of these sites.  Again, you need to develop some of your own resources to make this work.  This will begin your learning curve.  

The first thing will be to make a landing page that you tell people about yourself and the business.  This will be a Google Site.  It is not complicated and there are tons of YouTube videos that teach how to make it happen, in addition to our training.

The point here is, there are things to do, and things to know as you ramp up your skills and knowledge.


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