Already have a successful business?
If you already have a successful business, what we do will complement (not compete with) what you currently do. As such, we are a diversification option. There was an analogy that I heard recently that you cannot be the pastor of two churches under two denominations. The question posed was 'what do you really believe' and those who follow (attend your church) would have legitimate cause to wonder what your true convictions are? If you are marketing products within the same category, I would be inclined to agree... i.e. two weight loss products, two skin care lines, two anti-oxidant health drinks, two travel companies... name your deal... We represent a tools, training and education"deal". Our business ramps quickly due to person-to-person commerce with no money going to the parent company, other than a monthly administrative fee to cover the back office and on-going product development. Therefore, what we do, does not compete with product or service-based bu