Build Your Own Wall

With the election just passed, there is a level of uncertainty to what will evolve in our country.  Of all the issues that are going to be turned on their heads - the economy, taxes, income inequality, the minimum wage... many of these may have a bearing on you and your family in the months and years to come.

Building Your Own Wall is a strategy to deal with this uncertainty.  It is intended to inoculate you from the potential volatility that the new administration can instigate and use Donald Trump's concept of making America strong by taking care of Americans first.  One of his proposals is to build a physical wall.  We build a conceptual wall.

The wall we build is a financial one - that will enable you to create an economy for yourself that is independent of your job, the national economy and all of the traditional notions of how income is earned and money is made.  We want you to think about building an income fortress that keeps the "greater economy" at bay, and provide you with the vehicle to create your own economy that is based upon your skills [and] over which you have complete control.

Essentially, this defines our community.  We have created our own "space" and are a specialized and innovative subset within the larger economy.  We are an interconnected and inter-dependent group of business builders that care for and take care of each other.  We advocate and engender competence as our driving core value.  We build a wall of security that keeps the demons of want and lack at the foot of the rampart and welcome anyone inside to learn more.


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