Sunday, August 26, 2018

Keep Your Colors Wet

The reality is this.  Most people are a dried, brittle canvas.  In terms of life experience and expectation, the oils have hardened, the acrylic is set, or... the water is dry.  Their futures seem certain as long as they continue to conform to what is expected and stay in their safe-zone of a job and benefits.

Most people feel "set" financially in meeting their bills and saving for Christmas and vacations.  No value judgment here, I am simply describing reality.  Most are "comfortable" with their lot in life and not seeking to rattle their status quo.  We wish them the best.

In keeping your colors wet, it enables moving around the mix on your canvas.  It maintains the possibility of the next brush stroke.  We are a community who are malleable to opportunity, wherever it may arise.  As such, we do/will not appeal to brittle canvases of the world.

We seek to attract artists wanting and willing keep adding depth and color to their canvas of life... to be open to the possibilities of what can be rendered, without having yet created it.  You can call it risk-taking or intrepid adventurism... but simply know that whatever "it" is, most people do not have "it".

Our job is simply to expose and invite people to have a look:  all the while welcoming their being objectively critical and thorough in their analysis.  Here's why:  what we do "stands up" to examination.

It is thoughtful.  It is thorough.  It is practical and it makes sense due to its simplicity.  It is not high art, but daily brush strokes that over time result in mastery.

Keep painting your life.  Create a vision of your higher self and expend the effort to achieve that vision.  It is not about the money.  It is about what the money will enable in terms of options.  It is about enhancing peoples' lives with money being the byproduct.

The canvas is yours.  Always keep your colors wet.  Life is, and will always be a work-in-progress.

Saturday, August 25, 2018


No, not the spies in Washington DC... the CIA in our world is an abbreviation for the words Competence, Integrity and Analysis.  Stick with me here.  These three words encapsulate most of what we do, so let's take a look at how they apply; and, why you will want to understand (and use) these words when describing yourself and how they form a part of our moral foundation.

If you don't know already, we are a "skills pay the bills" organization.  There is no faking it.  We talk about providing service and value - and - being paid has a direct correlation to the amount of service and value you provide.  Competence means that you have made the transition from student to teacher and you possess (have earned) the skills to teach others.  Competence means you consistently engage in business building activities as a part of your skill set on a daily basis.  Competence simply means you are capable of transacting a process from 1) marketing to, 2)  recruitment to, 3) support - with each having their own set(s) of tools used in each part of these three processes.

Without integrity, you will not build trust.  Without trust, you will not be a worthy business partner and have no business. Y/our brand must exude honesty, with the premise that we are genuinely interested in helping people.  The notion that we are interdependent means that we rely on each other in the context of a community that has stated norms and values.  A portion of these values is being conveyed here, through this article.

Analysis means that we invite and welcome skepticism.  We want people to look hard and what we do and come to a confident decision about being involved.  Through this process, we will earn trust and create good-will.  We want T-crossers and I-dotters.  It's all good... and having to answer tough questions will only serve to make you sharper and more valuable.  Therefore, don't shrink from peoples' analysis and skepticism... embrace it.

We are a purpose and values-driven enterprise.  Our focus on community norms serves the very real purpose of putting everyone on equal footing.  This is to say that if you are a part of who we are, you have something to offer people who consider joining you.  At first, you legitimately lean on the rest of us, but ultimately (to be in business) you need to have skills to teach, behaviors to emulate and be a leader whose character aligns with The CIA.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Access to Economic Opportunity

This article is about tone.  It is about how we present ourselves to people evaluating what we do.  It is about "access" to an off-ramp on the highway of life.  Some people will choose to read the road sign, turn on their blinker and pull off to have a look.  Most will keep moseying on down the road without a thought of attending to what is passing by them.

Yes, we have something to offer.  Ultimately, it can be transforming in terms of income, lifestyle, and options people have.  Our ethos and values dictate that people understand that we are simply one of many options.  We feel no need to impress others in a showy manner but allow the overall "tone" of what we do carry-the-day, followed by responsible, descriptive information.

We don't want to be perceived as the latest, greatest, whiz-bang deal that you want to jump on and get rich with.  It is simply not that easy and does not work that way.  Therefore, our focus is the friction.  It is the work involved.  It is the competence gained through skills and knowledge acquisition.

The overall mechanics of what we do are no different than many, many other opportunities.  The value proposition of what we offer is how we go about posturing and explaining what we do.  We offer a portal to Economic Opportunity and invite people to step through it to experience what is on the other side.  Our goal is to be perceived as honest and measured in our approach.

As such, we are educators who provide information for people to evaluate.  We do not need to "sell".  People will see it, or they won't.  This is the nature of the "game".

At the end of the day, the more people you expose to what we have to offer, the more money you will make... with the caveat that you focus on, and build productive relationships with people you bring into our business.

As the old saying goes, we lead horses to water... however, humans have a bit more brain power in deciding whether they drink.  The point here is that we are "leading", not pushing or prodding.  Inherent in what we do is to create exposure to people who potentially may be interested based on varying degrees of being stuck and frustrated with their lives.

If the time is right, if the life-angst is high enough, if the few bucks it takes to get started are available... or, if the "risk" seems worth the effort, then people act and join.

The majority do not.  This is simply the reality of what we do.  The predicate to your success is the number of exposures you make to people who may potentially be interested in having a look.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

From Tinkerer to Titan

My view is that everyone should have a "side" something to make money.  It could be painting rocks you find - and selling them at a flea market... it could be anything...

When considering what we do, we would be foolish to not embrace casual "lookers" who are at the tinkering stage of getting involved with something.  Once we have their attention, it is our job to demonstrate that there is "meat on the bone" that is worthy of cooking and eating... (and) that can be a sustainable food source for years to come.

Going from tinkerer to Titan is an evolutionary process.  Evolution inherently means transformation over time.  In our terms, time means weeks and months, not eons.  It is about things learned, tasks completed and moving up the knowledge and competence food chain.

Skill acquisition and then being able to pass along these skills is the heart of what pumps life into the success we have.  You must embrace being a learner with an eye to becoming a teacher, mentor and role model.

You will be paid in direct proportion to your competence and credibility.  If you are not learning and teaching others what you have learned, you are not in business.  Our role is to transform tinkerers into Titans, and this is a noble and worthwhile endeavor.

Everyone Wants What We Have

Yes, everyone wants what we have.  The trick is to enable them getting it.

This begs the question of defining the "what" in what we have.  Ultimately, this is financial security that has the potential to migrate to prosperity, then with time, legacy and generational wealth.  And boy... does this presuppose a lot!

The nitty-gritty of getting there is explained in the posts in this series.  If the math works... if the marketing makes sense... if the vibe feels right... if the people associated with your "thing" seem genuine and sincere... (and) if you are committed to doing what you need to do on a daily basis to make-it-work, then success should be a certainty, right?

It is just a matter of applying effort doing specific things.  It is about finding people who may be interested in "what we have" (but/and) are willing to take the steps necessary to "own it".  It is simply a matter of 1) time spent, 2) applying effort, 3) doing specific things.  This is not complicated.

Your role (and your goal) is to find people with the maturity and hunger to find the time to do these things.  And, at the end of each day, before your head hits the pillow, you will have the opportunity to ask yourself about how much time you spent applying effort doing specific things to build your future.

Our community exists to help you stay on target, to be an accountability mechanism, and to help and support you in making the transition from the person you were in the circumstances you were in, to a whole new world of possibilities.  Most people can not make this transition and stay stuck in entrenched, habitual lifestyles from which they can not break free.

The question you need to ask yourself is whether you are the exception or the rule?  Everyone wants what we have.  Not everyone is willing to make the sacrifices and change the behaviors necessary to make it happen.

Gut check time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Go Out and Do It, Before It's Too Late

Dreams can come true.  It starts with a decision to get going.  Then, a commitment to keep going... until attained.  It is not a fantasy, but something earned.

"Pity the fool" who thinks it does not require effort, overcoming setbacks, handling the sense of being overwhelmed, getting stuck and then unstuck... and all of the peaks and valleys that are an inherent part of growth.  Nothing is a straight linear progression, but in many instances is two steps forward, one step back.  It all good - this is when and where the learning takes place.

Decide.  Commit.  If you join us, you will be in a good place, however, it does not need to be with us.  Find something you are comfortable with and get going.  The clock inexorably ticks, however if you are not motivated to excel or exceed your current circumstances the weeks and months will turn into years and decades.

Waiting for the time to be right?  It never will be - and might as well be now.

Decisions are a function of information.  Gather information.  Analyze it.  Then decide and get going.  It is better to regret having done something than to regret never having done anything at all.

Chop, chop.  Get cookin'.  If you want to eat - gather what it takes and, get cookin'.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Planning Night

OK.  One night a week you have to plan.  Well, you don't HAVE TO, but if you want to increase the probability of your success, you will.

This goes hand-in-hand with making a schedule and generating a task list.  It takes a bit of effort at first... to get to know Google Calendar and how you make the actual schedule and identify all of the big chunks of time that are already committed.  That is the easy part.  Where success is driven is in all of the "uncommitted" hours.  This is where the work gets done for your business.

I recently wrote a post, and in it I said:  "If You Don't Know What You Are Doing, You Don't Know What You Are Doing".  This gets to the heart of a schedule and task lists.  This defines daily activity and taking the steps necessary to build your business.  It makes you focus and apply conscious effort.

My planning night is Sunday.  I typically know what my fixed commitments are for the coming week by that time - and I can always adjust on-the-fly.  The point is this:  have a pretty firm idea of how you are going to "attack" your week.  Know what your daily goals are.

You will want to break your task list into daily production targets when you are first getting started... depending on how you are choosing to market.  We will be talking about all of this.  Then, as you build a group, you will need to create spots of time for helping your team.

These are the two main things you do:  recruit and support.  The when and the how is defined by a schedule and task lists... and then having it reflected in an activity tracker.

As the saying goes, "this is not rocket science".  It is simple accountability to yourself and providing a structure of what's and when's... i.e. what are you going to do, when?  If you follow this simple advice and set daily activity targets, your chances of success skyrocket... and you do not have to be a rocket scientist to make it happen.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Multi-Level versus Network Marketing

Let me be clear.  We build a network through marketing.  This inherently qualifies us as Network Marketing.  However, Multi-Level Marketing (typically) infers percentages of group volume at different levels that are (many times) termed in stones (diamond, sapphire, emerald, ruby...) precious metals platinum, gold, silver, bronze...), organizational or geographical titles i.e. National Director, Regional, Area, and starting at some entry-level inferring "Representative".  There are many, many more.  However, in some form, they all infer "rank".

Most of these models require successively larger organizations or group sales volumes associated with a group size.  With size and volume, you "rank advance".  Also, with each, the higher levels get larger and larger pieces of "the pie".  These pie pieces (again, typically) are percentage-based.

Again, we do not shy away from being network builders, organization developers or community organizers.  The biggest difference in what we do is that we are whole-dollar-based, not percentage-of-the pie-based.  Ultimately, where we want to end up is with much smaller groups of people and reaping 100% of whole dollar amounts.

As such, we need far fewer people as we concentrate on quality and education, not large numbers with never-ending recruiting creates a vicious circle because as many people quit, as join.

There are many more differences, but let me mention just one more.  Most MLM's are physical product based.  What we do is education-based.  Our product will never end up in your garage stacked in boxes of stuff you can't sell.  Everything we do is a service or is digitally-delivered.

The programs we work with were chosen for their compensation models.  Ultimately, culminating in a monthly subscription with a group of 30-50 people (as a first goal) that will equal most peoples' primary income.  And, as you know, or will come to learn - this is done in a Community with everyone participating - helping each other learn, earn and ultimately prosper.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Fear is Temporary. Regret is Forever.

I understand caution and holding on to the reins as tightly as you can.  I understand a conservative approach to life and having all of your bills met.  I understand not "acting" on something because it is beyond your current world-view and does not match with the current status quo.

There is fear of loss (financially, time, credibility).  There is a fear of self (can I do it?).  There is fear of not knowing what to do.  There is fear of others (said differently, can I trust the person or thing has my best interest in mind?)  And actually, there is fear of success (for example, if money is not a concern, as a couple, then do we really don't need each other?).  There are many more examples.

Fear is the driver that prevents people from moving forward.  (I am budgeted so tightly, I can not rob Peter to pay Paul to come up with the money to get started).  This is many peoples' situation, and it keeps them stuck.

Our role is to provide a safe comfortable place to sit.  To consider.  To ponder if what we have to offer is reasonable - to any thinking adult.  Ultimately, it is about odds and probability of success.  If the assistance is there...  if the compensation and growth projections make sense...  if the person you are talking to (who is wanting to get you involved) is consistent with everything we stand for... then we will be a comfortable chair that feels welcoming and safe.

This mitigates fear.  It bolsters confidence.  It emboldens striking out in spite of the fear(s) and enables people who are considering what we do to feel a difference - in the context of ways to earn additional income.

The other end of this is regret.  It is staying stuck and living a life of quiet desperation.  We understand the dilemma. Fear is at the core of most decisions.

Regret is the consequence of not confronting and defeating it.  Now is the time.  Trust what you are learning here.  I hate the over-used term, "it can change your life", but hopefully we put some weight behind the claim and you understand that we are more interested in your success than your money.

Unless you are successful, the money does not matter, because none of us will make any.  It all starts with confronting fear and taking the first step.

Friday, August 3, 2018

To Do Lists

Ponder this for a minute:  You don't know what you are doing if you don't know what you are doing.

This gets to the core of the daily discipline of being organized and getting stuff done.  Chances are if you are not keeping yourself accountable to things written on a list, you are being far less productive than you could be.

It can be an app or a software program... if you use the list function in Gmail or Outlook (which is what I do)... or if you have a notebook and pen... or the back of a napkin... you are robbing yourself of productivity if you are not crossing things off of a list as you get them completed.

Having a list is the same thing as knowing what you are doing.  It inherently forces intentionality... i.e., "what do you intend to get done today?"  I am not going to extend this discussion to objectives and goals, but they are all related.

Write things down.  Execute on the things.  Then, cross the things off when completed.  This is self-accountability and it is the time-tested way to make things happen.

Monday, July 30, 2018

You are "Paid" for Attention and Mentorship

The title here is about your income in a home business being directly correlated to the value you offer.  I encourage you to think about the people you enroll in your business as clients and investors.  They have paid you (invested in) your services.  Clients (can and should) have expectations that you will "deliver" by attending to their needs - by being a good mentor and role model.  No different than an Attorney, Accountant, or any other professional who are retained for their expertise and the results they deliver.

Service and value are at the foundation of the Law of Compensation.  You will reap what you sow.  Our community is built on a foundation of norms and values and primary among them is that you build an organization based on quality and competence.

If so, you will build an organization that will last and your future security will be on much more solid ground.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Re-Wiring Time for Productivity

When will it happen?  When will you make it happen?  If you are a generally busy person, you need to nail down segments of time.  Let me provide an example.

Writing this piece takes time.  I have an appointment at 11:00 am.  It is now 9:15.  I need a half hour to shower and get dressed.  That gives me 45 minutes or so to write this and then I am out the door.

So what? (you may ask).  Here's the deal.  I am consciously jamming productivity into my day.  I am being mindful and intentional.  I am taking action.  This has been the case for the 100+ posts I have written for my readers, in addition to all the other things I do to grow my business.

Now, apply this snippet to your own life.  How can you best-utilize bits and pieces of time?  It starts with understanding the big picture of what your firm commitments are (work or going to class, sleep, personal hygiene, eating, walking your dog...) then all the rest of your time is "at play" in terms of how you divvy it up.

There is no more important resource than time.  This is all about how you intentionally use it - or, you capitalize on the use of it.

Jam productivity into your day.  In this context, it is about building your business, however, whatever your passions... make things happen.  Be awake, be alive, and get busy.

Money Instructions

Bake a cake, put together a bookshelf that comes in a box, learn how to operate your new remote for your TV... you simply read the instructions and do as they say.  What we do isn't quite that simple, but almost.  Whether we call it instructions or principles, let's get to the point.

There are core things you need to understand in managing a home business.
  1. Everything hinges on you having a way to get "what you have" in front of people for them to evaluate.  We specifically target types (or groups) of people and use methods that are low cost or no cost.  If you are not telling people about what you do, you are not in business - and your business will not survive, let alone grow.  This has to be done with regularity and consistency.  Initially, it is all you do.  Then, you need to apportion chunks of time to teach others what you do.
  2. Inherent in doing #1, requires a commitment of time.  This time will replace old patterns and habits.  We will do a time analysis with you and get you to commit to how many of the 168 hours a week you will invest in your business.  This is a baseline inventory of your life.
  3. Inherent in #2 is "change".  Not successfully adapting to change is the primary reason people do not thrive in a home business.  If you are not willing or ready for things to be different in your life and how you spend chunks of your time, you will remain where you are.
  4. Your authentic self is critical.  Our community is built on a foundation of transparency, integrity, and authenticity.  Being open and honest about who you are, what we do and what our motivations are is critical to the establishment of trust.  Without the ability to earn trust, you will not succeed.  
  5. You need to understand the principle of reciprocity.  This means you exchange things with others that match or are equal.  It is somewhat akin to playing tit for tat.  For example, if someone tells you (or you ask them) that their favorite color is blue, you respond with your favorite color.  Now take this and apply it to any piece of information you might learn about, or want to disclose to someone.  This builds trust.
I could go on.  This is a good start to understanding the core of what is important.  Having a budget, understanding the numbers, baselining and benchmarking your progress... there is a ton more to integrate into your "becoming" a professional home business owner.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

To Act is to Live

There is a quote by the WWII General Omar S. Bradley:

"This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act and in acting, to live."

If you are waiting for the stars to align... or for the perfect moment to pull the trigger that will initiate change... you will stay stuck.  Decisions are a function of information.  The formula is this: d=(f)i.  What our Community does is educate about a path, then educate about a process.  We do not compare ourselves to others... but pose just one option that hopefully "feels right" to people.  We know we are different.  People recognizing this difference is our basic value proposition.

The quote above speaks to living a life of quiet desperation.  Circumstances will not change unless you do.  I saw this attributed to Bill Gates recently:  "Learn to drop the L."  The notion of change involves a great deal of learning and forming of new habits.  I say this over and over, but it bears repeating... the reason most people fail is that they are not successful in incorporating something new into their lives.

It is the same as a New Year's Resolution.  Major intent.  No follow-through.  Why?  Because integrating new behaviors and shedding old patterns is inherently hard.  For me, it was "Good-bye" to evening TV.  Goodbye evening news.  Goodbye Jeopardy.  Goodbye Big Bang Theory.  So long Rachel Maddow.  "See you when I can afford to watch again".

So what do I do instead?  Well, for one, I am writing this.  I communicate with and support new people.  I post things on Social Media.  During the day, I get out of the house and talk to people... but this is a small slice of what I do simply to provide examples.  What you do may be similar, but the point is that your life (will be/needs to be) inherently different from your former lifestyle.

When you make the decision to join us, you are a Business Owner.  To grow a business takes effort.  This effort involves a commitment of time doing new and different things with your time.

I can't say this enough.  If you want to succeed, you need to wrap your head around and embrace this fundamental shift - that - it is necessary to invest segments of your day differently until they become new habits and lifestyle choices.

It is not easy, or everyone would be doing it.  Being exceptional requires you being the exception.

Time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what you want from your life.  In acting, you live on your own terms.  It is a choice you need to consciously make and vibrantly embrace.

Our Community exists to help you, and support this choice.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Have a Monthly Housing Expense? Then,You Need What We Have,

The title of this article helps us define the working poor.  If you have a mortgage or are paying rent, you are captive to this monthly obligation.  As a result, obviously, you have a job to meet this primary expense.  For most, it goes without saying, that if this expense did not exist there would be a world of possibilities of where to direct this money... whether it be savings, travel, toys, better food choices, giving to charity... how many ways can you think of to use money?

The bottom line here is that (given a choice) most would welcome eliminating their mortgage (or) having their monthly housing expense covered by a predictable stream of monthly income.  This is the goal of our Community.  What we work toward is the creation of residual income that will exist over time.

The glue that holds it together is a commitment to the concept of inter-dependence and people buying into (literally and figuratively) the notion that we can create our own economy by pooling our resources and subscribing to a common set of beliefs, values, knowledge, and actions.

The first (micro) goal is to make your first dollar.  The first (macro) goal is to replace your income and have all of your expenses covered.  If you get to that point, the sky is the limit and you will be in a position to eliminate your eight-hour-a-day commitment.  The corollary to this is that if you equal your conventional income once, there is no reason you will not be able to create generational wealth.

I wrote another article recently about never out-earning your self-concept.  If you can not see yourself as being "free" of your job, the probability is that you never will be.  This has everything to do with mindset being borne of mini-success + mini-success + mini-success equalling a milestone.  Then, milestone + milestone + milestone equalling a transformed life.

Part of this transformed life is having no worries about your monthly housing expense (nor any other bill for that matter).

Get Deep In the Rhythm

This is a lighter post.  Some say you get to know people by the choices they make.  I want to share a video that is one of my favorites... for its groove and sophistication.

"I kicked the habit.  Shed my skin.  This is the new stuff.  I go dancin' in."

This is what our community is all about.  Shed your skin.  A crustacean (a crab, a lobster)... sheds its shell to grow.  Vulnerable for a while - but bigger and stronger as a result.

"You could have a steam train if you just lay down your tracks."

Anyway, I love this performance.  Hopefully, you will too!  Got headphones or earbuds?  Enjoy...

Credit goes to my friend Shirley who introduced me to this singer, Morgan James.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Breaking Free of Needing a Job

There is another post I had written recently talking about an alternative to the job economy.  The majority of people are "wired" to have a job with benefits... and the job paying for a portion of health insurance and matching a portion of your 401K contribution...

This is the reality.   This is the pool of people who are future business partners.  This then begs the question of "how" we are able to transform the circumstances of people - to enable them to start to consider breaking free from "needing" a job.

The bottom line is money, right?  If you have enough money to pay for your living expenses, buy your own health insurance and put chunks of money aside... then you don't need a "job"... or, am I missing something?

A good place to start with all this is understanding the math, both in terms of dollars and people participating in your business.  You need to articulate a number.  What will it take for you to comfortably and confidently be in a position to not fear losing your job?  For me, that number is around $5000 a month.  Roughly, this replaces a $60,000 salary.  This number is different for everyone.

With the business platforms we use, we know exactly what-it-takes (academically) in terms of total numbers of people and the total dollars derived.  What is not spelled out is attrition, loss-of-interest, lack-of-effort, and self-sabotage.  Therefore, this has to be built into the equation.

There is no such thing as people participating equally and/or predictable geometric progression.  This is one fault I find with the primary platform we use.  It is much more honest and useful to describe level advancement in terms of phases, and not assign any time references such as weeks, months or years.  If you describe a path to a million dollars in 6 months, it is theoretical and hypothetical - AND (more importantly) not real or plausible.  It, therefore, detracts from the genuineness of the overall proposition.  But, I digress.  Trust me, there is nothing that is perfect.

The point I am wanting to make here is working backward from a number.  That number is the dollar amount you need.  Typically, for most people, this is the amount that replaces your current income.  The strength of an organization is its ability to attract and retain people who are participating fully, committed to the mission of helping others and who are confident ambassadors of being a part of this worthwhile endeavor that truly is a "way out" for the Working Poor.

Our job is to find, educate and engage people to the extent that they are able to "break free".  If you can find and help (a solid) 40 people in our model, you will be well-on-your-way to replacing your income.

This does not happen on its own, but it is a relatively safe bet if you invest the time, acquire the skills and develop the daily habits to make it happen.

Do Good and Keep it Real

The worst advice I ever received is "fake it until you make it".  Here's the thing.  If you fake honesty, you are lying.  If you fake being genuine, you are being disingenuous.

While our role is to be optimistic and ambassadors of goodwill, please understand that being truthful about who you are, where you have been and where you are in your home business journey is critical to your authenticity.  Ultimately, we help people elevate themselves through enhancing their finances.  This alone has skepticism written all over it.  Most people are jaded and negative.  Some are outright hostile, especially if they have been burnt in the past.

Our goal is to wade through the masses and find the ones who "see it".  Then, when someone shows that they are open and receptive to learning more, the last thing you want to be is a "tail feather fluffer" and appear to be bigger than you really are.

Your genuine self is all-that-you-are.  Your genuine self will evolve.  You will add bits of credibility as-you-go.  Yes, you can lean on "the community" as being a great thing to be a part of.  You can talk about your business associates and the affect you have for them.  You can talk about skills acquisition and what you are learning...  What you don't want to do is posture yourself as someone you are not.  This is foundational.  It is where you build your base of credibility.

Being likable and personable is a great advantage.  There is a common adage in the home business industry is that people join with people they know, like and trust.  This is true for anything.

This is why we "lead" with an About Me page.  It is the first step to being real.  It is being open and setting an expectation of what our values are and how we operate.  If it is too great a challenge for you to write a one page summary of your life and learn the skills to put this online for the world to see, (then) how we function may not be for you.

As you grow, this autobiography becomes a work-in-progress.  It is a part of your toolset that you will continue to refine over time.  It is a look in the mirror at first and then quickly evolves into credible examples of success, how you have helped others and the value you offer without expressly stating it.  Ultimately, it will reflect your character and how you choose to operate in the world.

A related way of saying "Do Good" is Do No Harm.  Generally, we deal with a frustrated and bitter lot who are seeking a better way.  Never give them a reason not to trust you.  This is why we don't lead with "the money".  We lead with the reality of what it takes to earn the money... and this has everything to do with you and everyone you encounter understanding that skills + tools + values + daily habits = the size of your bank account.

If you are missing all of the +'s, you will never get to the =.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Advice: Choose. Then, get after it.

Here's the reality.  There are many, good, reasonable ways to make money.  As well, there are many great mentors and systems to follow.  Most lay claim to be plug-and-play... just join and follow the system... what we do is really not all that different.

The point of this post is to simply choose.  Do your homework. Make some assessments about your level of trust in the process, the people, etc... and then jump on whatever horse and ride it at a gallop.

The system is important.  Our differentiator is that we espouse that learning, teaching, relationships, and community are as equally significant variables in managing a successful home business.

All of this is preceded by trust.  Unless we are able to establish a baseline of trust that is earned from providing honest and real information and a plausible path forward, nothing will happen.

Our job is to help people choose us - then, get after it with gusto.  We help people change their lives.  When you get to the point of understanding that this is a noble and worthwhile endeavor, you will be a professional in the home business industry.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

You Can't Out-Earn Your Self Image

This post is about hope - seasoned with realism.  The Working Poor No More Community exists to help people elevate themselves financially.  While this is a worthy "goal statement", it presupposes a great deal in terms of how to get there.

There are a number of different (competing?) schools of thought in regard to what is important to understand in the home business arena.  Many people package and sell this information in their own "system", not all that different than what is done here in the WPNM Community - the difference being is that we do not attempt to make money from our information.  It is free and open to anyone given its universal truth - intended (again) to help people regardless of their business affiliation(s).

The notion of out-earning your self-concept has everything to do with mindset.  Some preach that this is the "all important" first step to success.  I am inclined to agree - to a point.  The other major school of thought is "taking action".  Or, engaging in business-building activities on a daily basis.  This has everything to do with choices of how to invest available time, lifestyle modification, and adapting to the fact that your life will be (and needs to be) inherently different - as a business owner who consciously controls your daily activity... creating your own resources, making contacts, following up with people who are interested and evaluating what we do... and working with people in your group to grow their skills and business.

Therefore, if you combine mindset and action-taking you have a reasonable foundation for launching a successful business.   The first step in defining success is making your first dollar.  This means that someone will have said "yes" to your offer.  They are now a-part-of what we do and you now have the responsibility to help them grow by teaching and modeling the habits of a successful home business owner.  The important thing to recognize is that this does not happen on its own and inherently requires a relationship that has the components of communication and accountability.

So, unless you see yourself as a leader and teacher with something to offer (or understanding that this needs to be your destination), what we do may not be the best fit for you.  Your self-image needs to be that you provide genuine value to others and there is value in partnering with you.  Otherwise, you will simply be a ticket-taker to an "opportunity" and once people pass through the gate, they will go and be lost in a whole stadium of people.  This can't be you.  You have to accompany them to their seat and watch and explain the game.

The Law of Compensation basically means reaping what you sow.  Another way to frame this is that you are compensated in direct proportion to the value you offer.  This means leading, teaching and mentoring.  It also means casting aside the mindset of where you are (were?).  You need to re-define who you are and be able to articulate (verbally and in writing) the value proposition you offer.

When you learn to incorporate these things into your self-image, there will be no limit to what you can earn.  And, this earning has a direct correlation to the success you have in others emulating who you are and what you do.

The amount of money you earn is not the yardstick to be measured by.  The real important metrics are all the fundamentals that contribute to your true asset - which is the community you build - the loyalty and fidelity to that community - and the long-term relationships that are the building blocks of that community.

This has to be ingrained in who you are and how you function as a home business owner.