You are "Paid" for Attention and Mentorship

The title here is about your income in a home business being directly correlated to the value you offer.  I encourage you to think about the people you enroll in your business as clients and investors.  They have paid you (invested in) your services.  Clients (can and should) have expectations that you will "deliver" by attending to their needs - by being a good mentor and role model.  No different than an Attorney, Accountant, or any other professional who are retained for their expertise and the results they deliver.

Service and value are at the foundation of the Law of Compensation.  You will reap what you sow.  Our community is built on a foundation of norms and values and primary among them is that you build an organization based on quality and competence.

If so, you will build an organization that will last and your future security will be on much more solid ground.


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