Fear is Temporary. Regret is Forever.

I understand caution and holding on to the reins as tightly as you can.  I understand a conservative approach to life and having all of your bills met.  I understand not "acting" on something because it is beyond your current world-view and does not match with the current status quo.

There is fear of loss (financially, time, credibility).  There is a fear of self (can I do it?).  There is fear of not knowing what to do.  There is fear of others (said differently, can I trust the person or thing has my best interest in mind?)  And actually, there is fear of success (for example, if money is not a concern, as a couple, then do we really don't need each other?).  There are many more examples.

Fear is the driver that prevents people from moving forward.  (I am budgeted so tightly, I can not rob Peter to pay Paul to come up with the money to get started).  This is many peoples' situation, and it keeps them stuck.

Our role is to provide a safe comfortable place to sit.  To consider.  To ponder if what we have to offer is reasonable - to any thinking adult.  Ultimately, it is about odds and probability of success.  If the assistance is there...  if the compensation and growth projections make sense...  if the person you are talking to (who is wanting to get you involved) is consistent with everything we stand for... then we will be a comfortable chair that feels welcoming and safe.

This mitigates fear.  It bolsters confidence.  It emboldens striking out in spite of the fear(s) and enables people who are considering what we do to feel a difference - in the context of ways to earn additional income.

The other end of this is regret.  It is staying stuck and living a life of quiet desperation.  We understand the dilemma. Fear is at the core of most decisions.

Regret is the consequence of not confronting and defeating it.  Now is the time.  Trust what you are learning here.  I hate the over-used term, "it can change your life", but hopefully we put some weight behind the claim and you understand that we are more interested in your success than your money.

Unless you are successful, the money does not matter, because none of us will make any.  It all starts with confronting fear and taking the first step.


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