Do Good and Keep it Real

The worst advice I ever received is "fake it until you make it".  Here's the thing.  If you fake honesty, you are lying.  If you fake being genuine, you are being disingenuous.

While our role is to be optimistic and ambassadors of goodwill, please understand that being truthful about who you are, where you have been and where you are in your home business journey is critical to your authenticity.  Ultimately, we help people elevate themselves through enhancing their finances.  This alone has skepticism written all over it.  Most people are jaded and negative.  Some are outright hostile, especially if they have been burnt in the past.

Our goal is to wade through the masses and find the ones who "see it".  Then, when someone shows that they are open and receptive to learning more, the last thing you want to be is a "tail feather fluffer" and appear to be bigger than you really are.

Your genuine self is all-that-you-are.  Your genuine self will evolve.  You will add bits of credibility as-you-go.  Yes, you can lean on "the community" as being a great thing to be a part of.  You can talk about your business associates and the affect you have for them.  You can talk about skills acquisition and what you are learning...  What you don't want to do is posture yourself as someone you are not.  This is foundational.  It is where you build your base of credibility.

Being likable and personable is a great advantage.  There is a common adage in the home business industry is that people join with people they know, like and trust.  This is true for anything.

This is why we "lead" with an About Me page.  It is the first step to being real.  It is being open and setting an expectation of what our values are and how we operate.  If it is too great a challenge for you to write a one page summary of your life and learn the skills to put this online for the world to see, (then) how we function may not be for you.

As you grow, this autobiography becomes a work-in-progress.  It is a part of your toolset that you will continue to refine over time.  It is a look in the mirror at first and then quickly evolves into credible examples of success, how you have helped others and the value you offer without expressly stating it.  Ultimately, it will reflect your character and how you choose to operate in the world.

A related way of saying "Do Good" is Do No Harm.  Generally, we deal with a frustrated and bitter lot who are seeking a better way.  Never give them a reason not to trust you.  This is why we don't lead with "the money".  We lead with the reality of what it takes to earn the money... and this has everything to do with you and everyone you encounter understanding that skills + tools + values + daily habits = the size of your bank account.

If you are missing all of the +'s, you will never get to the =.


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