The Mirror: CRM's and Sales Funnels
If you do a Google Images search on Sales Funnels, you will find many rainbow-colored funnels with intricate explanations of how they work. The fundamental concept for any sales funnel is the same. The way we build relationships moves people through this structured process of Awareness to Loyalty (if the process is working properly). Here is just one example: Now, here's the dashboard of how we choose to manage our "pipeline" in our Gmail CRM add-on named Streak. As you note, each is the same process. We move people through an evaluation process from initial exposure to creating a lifelong partnership. Each step is broken down into actionable "things-to-do". In the beginning, we are creating Awareness by exposing people to our offer through varied means. In the end, we are creating Loyalty through our on-boarding process and putting a plan in place that is tailored to an individual's time and talents. We track. We manage. We