Sunday, November 14, 2021

One a Week - For a Year


This post is a perspective-builder.

I don't want to insult anyones' intelligence here, but one a week for a year is 52, right?  In our business we use an initial "cash now" offer that is followed by a subscription offer, which is funded out of profit.

For the sake of simple math, let's say a subscription is $200 a month.  This (times) 52 is $10,400 a month in gross income.  After taxes at 25% the net income is $7800.  This replaces most people's incomes, and if not, is a welcomed "bump" in income for anyone.

Now, given the leverage components of a Referral Line Compensation Structure, to realize a group of 52, you do not need 52 direct recruits because people are referred to you as a part of the business model.  Again, this is a leverage component stipulated by a contract.  Realistically, a group of 20-25 direct recruits can produce a group of 52 (give or take).  

Then you need to account for the realities.  Eventhough we do our best to ensure people's success, in reality, not everyone will "stick".  Therefore, in getting to these numbers, you need to account for attrition (fall out).  Your level of attrition is directly correlated to your ability to nurture and support your organization.

That said, everything comes full circle back to "how" you get one-a-week?  First,it happens through activity (exposures) in telling others about what we do. This is the grunt and grind part of the business.  Second, it happens through working with your referrals (poeple you do not directly sponsor, but are referred to you).

We work with people in terms of what people "bring to the table" in regard to time, budget, previous experience and knowledge.  A plan needs to be tailored to these "variables".  Not everyone will have the same plan.  It has to be highly customized to be a "fit" to integrate with what someone can realistidally "give" in terms of time and resources - to make a business work.

This is all in pursuit of "One a Week - For a Year".

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Hope Tethered to a Strategy

No doubt, you have heard the expression, "Hope is not a strategy".  Just so you know, I am not "going there".  The expression is somewhat flippant and unserious. The statement offers little of value.  I simply wanted to mention it to frame something that is of value.

It is important to understand that what we do is noble.  What we do is important.  We help people by showing them a path to improve their financial condition.  We inherently instill "hope".  It is the aspirational idea that things can and will be different.  It is the promise of money being a lubricant to life by providing the means for security, and ultimately with time and effort, prosperity.

However, hope is not enough.  It needs to be tied to a strategy that is realistic and can be implemented with a reasonable amount of learning and effort.  This entire blog talks about all of the variables that constitute this "strategy".

If your head and heart are in the right place, you know that we care for the welfare of others.  We offer and instill hope in people through our guidance and mentorship, teaching others to engage in behaviors to form solid professional relationships that produce income, based on the strength and longevity of these relationships.  We are in the business of people helping people.

Seek to work with people from a true sense of altruism, with a concern for their well-being.  You need to trust this advice:  YOUR long-term security in building a business is directly tied to the loyalty of the people you are in business with.  This means loyalty to you, loyalty to the business proposition, and loyalty to the pledge of caring for the organizational culture we espouse.  What we do is not about the money.  The money (your security) happens when you ensure others are prosperous and secure.  Everything is driven by mutual welfare with money being the by-product.

This is the foundation of our Community and culture.

Competence and Compensation

 I created this graphic as a Facebook and Instagram post.  I simply wanted to include it as a post.

It speaks for itself. No explanation is necessary.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Recurring versus Residual Income

I am splitting hairs here a bit, however, I want to point out a difference between two terms based on the income platforms we employ.  Many times, recurring and residual income are used interchangeably.  From my perspective, they are not the same.  

Both are also referred to as "passive" income because both continue to pay regardless of whether there is still active work being done.  However, in the models we use, for income to recur (periodically), an effort has to be applied to make it happen.  

In other words, if you need to work with people to get paid, it is not automatic.  It is "earned" in the true sense of the word.  It can and will recur, based on the business model, but it is not automatic.  It is dependent on people doing something in order for you to derive any income.

Residual Income, on the other hand, is "automatic".  It is tied to automatic payments on a calendar basis and linked to someone's bank account, credit/debit card, PayPal, Zelle, CashApp, Bitcoin... account.  It is more aligned with a subscription, royalties, rentals, etc.  

As long as people do not "cancel" their contract, they will continue to be billed and you will be paid.  Like any of these:

On the other hand, recurring income looks more like this:

You need to work with people to ensure the results "recur".  Again, it is built into the model to make it possible, but it does not happen all on its own.

We include both in our core offers.  We start with recurring income because this is a people's business.  We then migrate to subscriptions whenever money is flowing and the pressure of a monthly subscription is eliminated due to paying for the subscription comfortably out of profits.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Our Hamburgers are Education & Tools

Odd title, right?  Let me explain.

Franchises exist for all types of things... massages, hardware, storage, any type of fast food... including hamburgers.  Law Offices, Insurance Agencies, Real Estate Brokerages, Physical Therapy Clinics, H&R Block... OK, you get it.

What all these have in common is a set of processes for operations, policies and procedures, standards, and best practices... all culminating in a replicable model that can be repeated over and over.  Simply put, all franchises provide a business template.

What we do is the same.  We market digital franchises.  Our product is eLearning, sometimes referred to as Digital Education.  We deliver our product over the internet and affiliate with Online Platforms that have a business template in place for us to follow.  In addition, these platforms also provide all of the business functionality to handle payments, organizational tracking, management, training, and a host of other functions, depending on the individual platform.

Given that all is "digital", our business model is easy to understand and implement.  It is transacted by mind and mouse.  There is no complicating your life with UPS or FedEx deliveries.  No dining room tables or garages full of "stuff".  In the context of commerce (the exchange of money) our model is to learn information and implement what you have learned.

You are the Owner/Manager of a franchise.  Ultimately, this does involve recruitment and training of employees.  In our case, we refer to these people as Client Partners, but the process is the same in regard to interviewing and onboarding.  It is the same in regard to ongoing support and management.  However, there is one big difference:  we have no payroll.  We are a commission structure like any Insurance or Real Estate Agency.

To bring this all together, understand this:  knowledge and education lead to competence.  Competent Client Partners are your most valuable asset.  Your business is not the Platforms we affiliate with.  Your business is the loyalty (longevity) and competence of the people in your organization who have the ability to articulate and transact our Digital Franchise business model.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Emotional Energy and a Second Job

Whether you define it as emotional energy, or simply as just energy, this is a simple component of your success to understand.  Most people we recruit already have a primary job, as you probably do as well.

Inherently, what we are asking people to do is to jam something "extra" into their lives.  No matter how thoughtfully and constructively we frame it, no matter how much we can preach time management, regardless of how we define business-building activities - at the end of the day we add "something else" to peoples' lives.

I am not going to go down the "why" path, e.g. people need to have a strong enough "why" to compel them to action.  Fundamentally, what precedes this is emotional energy.  It is the internal transfer of energy from your head and your heart to your hands, feet, and will to communicate.  In other words, knowing what to do is not enough.  Doing it is everything. (And) this requires fortitude (emotional energy).

At his point, I could talk about all of the hallmarks of procrastination.  I will not.  In many other places on this blog, I have talked about making choices in modifying your lifestyle.  That doesn't get to the point here either.  The point is how you feel about what you are doing.  It is more akin to mood.

Is your "pain" or dissatisfaction with how your life is currently functioning strong enough to compel you to be doing something "extra".  Or, are you really money motivated and want a new boat or a second home (and) does this give you the emotional energy to add something to your life?  It all kind of sounds like a motivation thing.  But what I am getting at here even precedes motivation.  Again, it is more akin to the pervasive "mood" of your life.

This is about having a thought in the context of the "mood" of your life - and migrating that thought through a whole process - that results in money in your bank account.  At every step in this process, emotional energy is necessary.  It is the "thing" that overcomes complacency, procrastination, and self-doubt.  It is the spark that lights the motivation fire - and there has to be a reservoir of these "sparks" available to you on a daily basis, day in and day out.

So, the name of this post is, "Emotional Energy and a Second Job".  The reality is this:  until you build your business into a recurring, residual income stream, it is exactly the same as having a second job in terms of time invested, things to learn, etc. - until that point when you can prudently make a decision to "can" your primary job based on the amount of money you are making.

The bottom line is this:  thoughts tuned into actions are linked by emotional energy.  It is the connective tissue that turns desires into reality.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Vertical Industry Marketing

The core strategy of Agreement Seekers is a method called Vertical Industry Marketing.  This bears some explanation. 

First, a vertical industry is a group of companies that focus on a specialized market.  For purposes here, let's talk about Landscapers as an example.  Landscapers obviously have expertise in turf management and shrub/tree maintenance.  They have skill sets in equipment care and are generally multi-taskers and problem solvers... are industrious and entrepreneurial. They have relationships with equipment vendors, landscape architects, lawn sprinkler companies, nurseries, arborists... and of course, all of their customers, however, customers are not included here.

All of these companies are in the same "vertical", however the most important is the one not mentioned.  It is a landscaper's competition - other landscapers.  This is the main opportunity for this marketing method. Essentially we give every "industry vertical" the opportunity to capitalize on their competition in a positive manner.  How and why is this so?

One of the primary dynamics of communication and the establishment of trust is perceived similarity.  The technical term for this is called "homophily".  It is the tendency for people to seek out people who are similar to themselves.  When a Landscaper talks to another Landscaper, there is instant "street cred" based on assumed common experience.  These common experiences, in addition to what is mentioned above, are the frustrations of finding good and reliable help, managing the books and payroll, managing taxes... not even mentioning the best practices for sharpening mower blades or servicing customers.

Fill in the blank(s) for any industry, job, trade or profession.  Peoples' work is a common frame of reference and establishes a baseline for affinity between two people.  Suffice it to say, when two industry professionals talk to each other, on a credibility and trust level, it is a much different conversation than with those who are not in that same industry.

Therefore, when a Landscaper calls a Landscaper to talk about a new supplemental income method, there is a much higher probability that there will be a reception to the message.  This is true for any industry vertical - both blue-collar and white-collar.  

So, the conversation would go something like this: "Hi Name, I own my own Landscaping business like you and I am also a Recruiter for Agreement  I don't want to take any of your time now, but thought you would be interested in how I make extra money as a supplemental income source.  Do you have a pen and paper handy?  First, you can go to this website: and read just that one page.  Then, if this piques your interest, follow up with me by emailing "".  Or if they do not have a pen handy, tell them to hang up and you will call them right back and leave the instructions in their voice mail.

Sidebar:  Just so you know, "" is an email account that you set up, put permanently on Vacation Response and acts as single message autorespnder.  This email exists only for this one purpose.  (We teach how to do this as a part of our on-boarding process.)  This email provides insturctions for taking the next steps in our three step process:  1) outreach, 2) qualification and assessment, and; 3) business model disclosure.  (Note:  we do not lead with a business opportunity.  What we do is much larger than a single biz opp.)  

Also, we do not "give away the store" early in the process because what we do is quasi-proprietary.  We want to work with people who understand our culture and community and have a relatively high level of buy-in - on both pragmatic and conceptual levels - before we talk about how we make money.  We don't want to be perceived as money grabbers looking for warm bodies to "sign up".

In any event, I digress.  To get back on track, for someone who is not in a vertical, the conversation would go something like this:  "Hi Name, I am a Recruiter for Agreement and I am looking for Landscapers interested in supplemental income to market to other Landscapers on a national basis.  I don't want to take any of your time right now.  Do you have a paper and pen handy...

To close, it is important to note that we posture ourselves as Recruiters for a Business System specifically designed for income enhancement /  supplemental income creation marketing specifically to focused markets on a national scale.  

Footnote:  The rest of this blog speaks to many of the elements that make our Business Model viable in terms of culture, character, and "what it takes" to be successful.  It is a store of practical, pithy, and no-nonsense guidelines of how our organization works within the Home Business industry.  Combine this with our Systems, Best-Practices, and onboarding that are talked about on this blog, you will get a solid sense of why our approach is significantly different than any other "opportunity" in the Social Commerce Industry.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Gnats and Fruit Flies of Social Commerce

I have written about this topic once before with a different and more straightforward take.  I called that post "Scam and Pyramid Marketing".   This time I want to frame things as irritating - like a gnat.

Gnats and Fruit Flies buzz around your head.  You swipe at them, but they persist.  They are annoyances that can drive you to distraction. They have no real value in the scheme of things.  They are simply pesky little undesirable critters.

For just about any non-traditional business model such as Affiliate Marketing, you can typically find a Google-ranked reference to such businesses as being a scam, a pyramid, or a cash gifting "scheme".  These "gnat" articles are sleazy and self-serving due to nearly 100% of the time their sole purpose is to trash the company cited and then tell you how great their opportunity is as an alternative.

It should go without saying that this is duplicitous and disingenuous, not to mention that most of these posts are written at about an eighth-grade level.

Then, there is the issue of "what to do about it".  It is not like any of these people offering their opinions have integrity.  Otherwise, they would not engage in this form of bait-and-switch marketing in the first place.  As well, these people are obviously desperate to have to resort to this type of marketing.  As such, there is really nothing to "go after" legally in terms of bringing a suit for slander.  It is simply not worth the time, energy, and expense to go after these sleazeballs.

As such, just like Gnats and Fruit Flies, we learn to live with them - annoying as they are - and being a huge disservice to the Social Commerce industry.

However, before I close let me simply say this.  If a transaction exists between two people and an override or administration fee is paid to a company for use of their platform, it is legal.  The fact that different packages exist at different prices points is irrelevant as long as a transaction takes place for something of value.  In our industry, this thing of value is typically a digital, eLearning product.  Again, the perceived value of these products is irrelevant - a point on which many of the gnats want to harp.

If anyone wants to argue the point of value, you would need to explain to me how joining Mar-a-Logo is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as an initiation fee, and then $14K a year.  This is a matter of scale at any Country Club.  So let me ask, are Country Clubs widely known as scams?  Yes, you are paying for the pool, the tennis courts, the golf course, the clubhouse where you can throw a party.  But is it a scam because people choose to belong?  The answer is pretty obvious.

We sell access to digital information in a peer-to-peer business model.  It is no less legitimate than any act of commerce no matter what the gnats and fruit flies have to say about it.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Referral Line Compensation Explained

First, a little background to set the stage for what follows.

A contract is something that all parties agree to that governs the rights and duties of those involved.  A contract can stipulate anything, however, there is no contract unless there is an agreement between two parties.  It is a statement of expectations and “how things will work”.  The business platforms we affiliate with have contracts, also known as “Terms of Service”. You agree to these terms in participating in our business.

In the world of Affiliate and Online Marketing, there are many compensation models.  Among these are subscription, referral line, power leg, matrix, uni-level… and the list goes on.  (Most) all provide incentives for some type of leverage.  Leverage is defined in different ways:  1) overall volume, 2) individual transaction margin, and/or; 3) organization size.  Obviously, in many cases, these go hand-in-hand.

With eLearning courses, products are based on tiers of content complexity - from beginner content to more technical “how to” content across all facets of information.  Each tier of content has a different price point.


With one of the platforms we affiliate with, a referral sale is made to the Recruiter. The industry "nickname" for this is a One-Up,  This “one up” is simply a structured leverage component of the contract.  (It is how the contract works.  It is what is agreed to.)  In real terms, it is a one-time, secondary/referral payment to a Recruiter with recurring (but not contractually guaranteed) outcomes. 

These potential recurring payments are collected through a Line Structure with successive payments being made by individuals, not on the basis of automatic [time frame] payments like a subscription (this is why it is not guaranteed).  It is a leverage component that is built into the structure of the contract, however, it is effort-driven. If you want to ensure subsequent "powerline" payments you need to ensure the success of individuals who are in that line. As in all Social Commerce, you get paid by helping to ensure the success of people in your organization.

One last angle here. In money jargon, a Referral Line is a financial engineering component. Most all compensation models in the Social Commerce space (that are not one-time, straight percentage commissions) have some form or leverage component. What the compensation model being explained here does - is akin to compound interest (paying interest on interest). With a Referral LIne, instead of paying interest on interest, the component is people paying people at their participation level in a "Line". People at their given (investment) level are positioned structurally and contractually. This defines how the overall leverage of this "compensation structure" functions.

This is not a gift as some critics purport. It is a contractually stipulated, legally compliant payment governed by the compensation structure - again, a part of the contract which is agreed to by all parties.

Once this is understood, it is your "job" to drive success down the depth in multiple powerlines that will be available to you - based on your organizational growth (width) in recruiting Client/Partners that are front line (direct) to you. This combines with each second sale being "referred" to you; inherently creating new powerlines - creating leverage. You then work with the people in each line to your financial benefit as everyone in these lines pass up their second sale in the depth of that line. This can (and should) happen for many generations of depth - theoretically to infinity.

A Referral Line is a POWERFUL recurring income generator if worked to its potential. However, to maximize its financial potential, it needs to be combined with people who can competently replicate a process [across and down] a referral line structure.

When this takes place, a Referral Line compensation structure can yield significant results. This is why it was chosen to be in our portfolio of offers.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Moral and Philosophical Underpinning

We build groups of people who choose to collaborate to make money together.  Fundamentally, this is what we market and "sell".  The individual businesses and platforms we employ to fuel the economic engine do not really matter (given they are sound).  Essentially, they could be anything.  As such, we are not hawking a "biz opp", we are creating understanding about the benefits of "agreement" and of being in business together.

This agreement, at its core, has a moral and philosophical underpinning.  Without "agreement", a viable, long-term business will not exist.  No consensus, no shared values, and commitment... no long-term business.  Therefore, to re-state, we build consensus within groups of people who choose to be in business and make money together.  The asset you build is a group of competent, committed people who (ultimately) participate in monthly subscriptions, long-term -with you being the recipient/beneficiary.

To back up a step, morality is about something being "right or wrong".  As such, in regard to the morality of things, you must ask yourself if you agree with the premise of building groups of people who choose to collaborate to make money together?  This is our business model.  We educate and provide supports for people to engage in this process.  If you are not on board at this fundamental level, you are in the wrong place.

Along these same lines, philosophy can mean a lot of things.  For purposes here, let's say that philosophy simply means it is a "way" of thinking.  Again, it is the underpinning that is a foundation for common understanding and agreement.

These are important, baseline, fundamental concepts for you to grasp.  Our mission is long-term income, driven by a stable group of people with a common frame of reference who "buy into" a common set of beliefs and assumptions.

Your ability to articulate what is conveyed in this post will be a good predictor of the kind of group you will build and its long-term viability.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Squandering Existence

Let me start with a number of questions.

Who is accountable for your life?  Do you have anyone pushing you to excel?  Do you have your own standards that you strive to meet?

What benchmarks do you have that signify success?  Given that this blog is about home business and making money. are you satisfied with where you are with respect to your finances and earning potential?

Is any of this worth any thought?  Is it possible to be intentional and strategic about how you invest your time and resources, pursuant to stated objectives?

To squander is to waste foolishly.  If you are not "present" and intentional about what you want your life to be, you are squandering life (existence) and losing the potential of the moment.  Right now, you can make decisions that will propel your life in a more positive direction.  You simply need to do it.

These actions do not need to be massive.  They can be small and incremental, but need to be tied to some defined outcome and on a timeline - and in writing, because in essence, you are making a contract with yourself.

In other words, you need to put in writing what do you want to accomplish, and by when.  In a home business, this is defined by many things, but the bottom line is always the bottom line: how much money are you making, or more to the point, how profitable are you (income minus expenses)?  This is the end-point.

The starting point is getting after it.  It is a plan of action on a timeline.  Your mentor's job is to help you define this action plan.  It is not the same for everyone.  There is not a generic template that is one-size-fits-all.  Everything has to be customized to who you are and what you bring to the table.

If you are happy with your job and your wage or salary, this does not really apply to you.  Complacency and being "all set" is the way most people live their lives.  Many simply do not aspire to "be" and to "have" more.  This is perfectly fine for them.  No value judgments.  What we do is not for everyone.

In most of these cases, leaving an estate is not a consideration.  Having a Will is not on their radar.  Paying bills and staying afloat financially is how they play the game of life - without aspiration, without planning, and without any prospect of doing and having more.

The premise we work from is that people who join our Community do not fall into this category.  We attract people who are able and willing to put a plan in place and execute that plan.  This is done through a process of collaboration and mentorship and the process of learners becoming teachers.

It is a noble and worthy enterprise if done correctly, and done well.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mentoring Fundamental #1: Asking, "How Can I Help?"

 I have written about this topic in other posts.  As such, I will be brief here.

Here is the lay of the land:

  1. If you are in our Community, you are in a recruiting / organization-building business.
  2. The real asset you build is people. These people are competent, and; committed to a common mission/vision regarding our business model.
  3. You nurture competence through building relationships that are based on support and mentorship.  You build commitment through others' having success and thus sticking with our business.
  4. Relationships involve communication, both formal (training) and informal (chatting).
  5. The most fundamental act of communication is reaching out to someone and asking "How can I help?"
It is the responsibility of the enroller to structure the onboarding and continuing mentoring process.  This process has to be thoughtful and strategic.  In other words, there has to be a plan of when and what you will talk about as a business-building exercise.

Then, the rest is simply a function of asking, "How Can I Help?"

Costs of Doing Business Compared to Other Professions

I am officially "retired" but work about 25 hours a week at a Prometric Testing Center as a Test Center Administrator.   PTC is a worldwide organization that administers nearly 500 different tests across many professional disciplines.  

Some of these include the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) for physicians, NCARB is for Architects, ASE is Automotive Service Excellence.  Then we do the Graduate Record Exam (GRE)... all of the Praxis tests for teacher certifications.  We also do TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).  Massachusetts Insurance Licensing for Health, Life, P&C.  Certified Public Accountants need to take 4 tests...  FINRA licenses Stock Brokers (Securities Industry Essentials, Series 7... etc.)  And... many, many others.

Each of these tests costs money.  For example, to become a fully-fledged Architect, one is required to take 6 exams each costing $235 each, for a total of $1,410.

 A physician's total investment for the three tests they need to take is over $2K.  

Many foreign pharmacists wanting to practice in this country need to exhibit English proficiency and are required to take TOEFL.  This test has a few different variables (speaking, writing, listening) but costs in the ballpark of $250 every time.  Many need to take it multiple times and I know of one lovely Egyptian guy who has taken it about 15 times and can not pass the speaking section.  You do the math.

THESE ARE JUST THE EXAM FEES!  Then, there are the State Licensing Fees for many of the above which are an additional and (in many cases) an on-going annual or other periodic costs.

My point here is this:  to be in business or to function as a professional, costs money.  What we do is not unlike any of these other professions.  To start a business with us requires a  (typically small) investment that is much less money than many of the examples provided here.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The Role of Instant Pay Offers

This post pre-supposes that you are open to a portfolio approach to generating income with a range of diversified products and services.  This will not appeal to anyone with tunnel vision who thinks their product or opportunity is "their business".

In contrast, "your business" is the group of competent, committed people who agree with and participate in the same business strategy you ascribe to.  As such, the businesses themselves can be anything.  Your business is a cohesive group of people who share the same values and principles in a community of support and interdependence that is built on relationships.  That being said...

The natural market for what we do is the universe of people who are already familiar with Social Commerce.  Call it what you will... the global way to describe it is building organizations and sales teams through marketing and networking.  This includes the Multi-Level Marketing Industry, Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, Home Business Entrepreneurship... again, call it what you will.

A niche within this Sea of Opportunity is in the Affiliate Marketing space with Cash-Now offers.  These programs are described with the following:


Cash-Now (Instant Pay) offers are a hedge against business models that are inherently slow-growth due to their compensation structures.  I write about this in a recent post, "MLM Myopia and a Call for Wider Vision".  I will not repeat myself here.

The important thing to note is that Cash-Now Offers are complementary in an overall Home Business structure.  They are a "pitch" for a cash infusion, as opposed to a "proposal" that is described in #2 in the graphic above:  Subscription Income.

As stated in the subtitle of the graphic: "simple to understand and implement... 100% payout, instantly, person to person."

Very simply, I encourage you to spend some time looking at the graphic above and "connecting the dots" in your head.  If you do not currently have a "cash-now" offer in your portfolio, you will note it is #1 (or the first step) we recommend. 

We are glad to share these platforms with you.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

MLM Myopia and a Call for Wider Vision

The Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) business model is difficult to make work.  The success rate attests to this.  Or, conversely, the failure rate in the 90%+ range attests to this.

Regardless, many people intrepidly espouse their love of 1) the product or service, and/or; 2) their aspiration for time and financial freedom.  The inherent “rub” is simply a repeat of the first sentence:  it is difficult to make work (and) many starve-out due to lack of success – which translates to lack of organizational growth... and in turn means no profitability or income.

There is a way to fix this problem.  First, let’s compare and contrast the MLM business model with Affiliate Marketing where there are immediate payout, "cash now" offers.

As most know from the name of the industry, MLMs have many levels.  Typically, there is an up-front incentive bump like fast-start-bonuses for recruiting new enrollees, and then in the following month, percentages kick in for whatever rare gemstone, precious metal, or quasi corporate “rank” an MLM company ascribes to.  For example, precious metals would start you out a "rank" of  Bronze, then Silver, Gold, and Platinum.  Gemstones are typically Emerald, Ruby, Diamond... etc.

With each of these “rank advances”, the MLM team member gets increasingly larger portions of the pie, based on organizational size or business volume.  (And) typically this comes with a personal monthly volume requirement (subscription) to remain “active” in the compensation plan.  Yes, this monthly commitment is an elaborate subscription... which is great (everyone loves subscriptions) if you one can make the overall business model work.

Juxtapose this to Affiliate Marketing where there are many platforms with “cash now” components and pay 100% (and) with additional leverage features enabling/incentivizing organizational growth.  The MLM “fast start” bump is somewhat analogous to this in that it is an initial cash infusion to your business.  However, in the subsequent months, there is a huge difference in getting (say) 7-10% on your first level as a Bronze, then adding 3-5% when you reach Silver... etc. (sweeping generalization is acknowledged given other incentives in MLMs). In contrast, however, with Affiliate Marketing, the 100%’s keep coming to infinity if one is astute in driving organizational growth.

Based on many, many Affiliate Platforms, this “cash now” feature can sustain and support any MLM slow-growth curve.  As such, with a diversified portfolio of offerings, one can combine their MLM love-of-products with Affiliate Marketing cash infusion programs.  In doing so, you create a sustainable business growth trajectory for your MLM.  Said differently, you create an insurance policy so that you don't "starve out" of an MLM business.

Now, if you have "made it" in your MLM, congratulations!  Take this as advice for those you recruit in the future.  It simply makes sense for the 90%+  In addition, many of the moderately priced, mid-tier Affiliate Offers serve as lead generation tools for (the often) more expensive MLM  initial investment starting points.

So, to close, let me state the premise here clearly:  in a portfolio approach to income, MLM Businesses can (and many times should) be complemented with Affiliate “cash now” offers to sustain the growth curve of the MLM (and) to act as a lead source for any offer in your portfolio.

Hope this helps and makes sense.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Task Management is a Function of Time Management

 Fancy title... for not-so-complicated an idea.  This deals with To-Do lists and your schedule.  

To-do lists are tasks, e.g., stuff you need to get done that is written down somewhere.  Your schedule is the same.  It is a written accounting of how your time is and will be spent/invested.  Combining these is a "work plan":  when you plan on doing what.

Making a commitment to this kind of structure is a BIG change for many (most?) people.  It requires engagement and focus.  First, you need to "spell out" the plan and then execute your plan.  It requires forethought.  It requires projecting into the future. It requires discipline.  Otherwise, you are operating by the seat-of-your-pants.

Now, let me circle back to the title of this post.  Task Management is a Function of Time Management.  In other words, everything starts with your calendar (no matter how you keep it:  online, a calendar book, or weekly planner).  Task and time management are inextricably tied, but ultimately you need to carve out the time to bang out what is on your To-Do list.  Everything has a time component.  Having articulated what you need to get done; you then need to commit the time to do it.  There is nothing more critical to your success.

What and when.  

If you use a digital calendar, you can contract with yourself.  Set "events" with reminders for your business time.  Google Calendar has everything you need to keep organized, complete with task lists.

Once you have your first weekly schedule hammered out, it should pretty closely repeat.  If (for now) you work a full-time job, these hours are roughly accounted for.  Meal prep and eating, shower and getting ready for work, Doctor's appointments are all standards.

Then, when you are managing a growing business (which is the goal here) there will be company meetings and masterminds, creating personal and marketing resources (and all of the learning that is necessary to make this happen), teaching and supporting those you work with, engaging with people on social media (if you choose to do so), yadda, yadda...  There is and will be a ton To-Do.  The more granular and precise you can be, the better.

Again, what and when.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Who's Hurting? a Marketing Strategy

Right now, in December of 2020, in Rhode Island where I live, we just entered a two-week shutdown due to Covid 19.  Our hospitals are full and just down the street, they have opened a facility to house more Covid patients, the first 7 were today - in a barracks-style warehouse.  These people are sick, however, there are many more people who are hurting due to job loss, financial strain, and even hunger.

There is a world of hurt.  Restaurants are closing.  Servers and cooks have been laid off.  Just about every night on the news there is a new story with a restaurant owner talking about how they are struggling to keep their heads above water and make it through these dark times.

We can help.  We can propose an alternative that may have not been considered.  This can be done locally.  It can be done nationally.

A few weeks ago, Disney laid off thousands.  Can you go on LinkedIn and do a search for people who worked at Disney and are "looking for" or "seeking" new work?

Winter is coming.  In the northern climates, landscapers are all going to be laid off in a few weeks.

You get the idea.  Google "companies that are laying off employees due to coronavirus"  or simply see this list.  You will find many more resources like this.  Go LinkedIn and connect.

Musicians who play venues are not working.

The airline industry has been cut way back.

The bottom line here is this (depending on who you are listening to):  over the past 9 months, millions and millions of people have been laid off.  For many of these, their benefits have, or are about to run out.

All of this is made even more relevant if you have some direct experience with any of these.  See my post on Affinity Affiliate Marketing for a frame of reference on this.

Again, we can help.  See it as a noble mission, because it is.  We can help by educating people that building a group of interdependent people who share the same skills and competencies as a very viable and real way to create income.

One last time.  We can help.

Affinity Affiliate Marketing

When I was in college, my undergrad degree was in Human Communication.  Many people in this field go on to be Counselors.  A word I learned was 'homophily".  It means perceived similarity.  For instance, in general, tall, skinny people will be most likely to be attracted to tall skinny people.  People of similar socioeconomic backgrounds tend to be drawn to each other... people who play tennis...  have read the same books...  Any perceived similarities are predictors of attraction.

So, what does this have to do with Affinity Affiliate Marketing?  The question is, "To whom are you
homophilous?"  Aka, who do you have something in common with?  For example, I have had my Life and Health Insurance Licenses twice in my life. I can disclose this and "fully" empathize with people who are struggling to sell these insurance products.  In this industry, there are as many people "starving out" as coming into the industry with wide eyes and eager optimism. But for those struggling, we have something in common, which is a point of "affinity" and I can relate to their pain.

As a retiree, my first part-time job was at Lowe's.  I learned a lot about their organization and the values that drive their decision-making.  There are Lowe's Groups on FB where I can reach out to people and share my experience and (eventually) ask if "they are open to having a look"...  I can go into any Lowe's and talk to anyone about their jobs and their frustrations...

Another example.  I worked in Higher Education for a good portion of my career.  I can relate to the College Community "ethos".  I understand students.  I "get" how Adjunct Faculty get screwed.  I appreciate how Universities are more corporations than schools.  I can talk to people about all of these things.

More examples without explanations:  I grew up in the Lutheran Church.  I was an Ocean Lifeguard for 14 years.  I have sold windows and patio rooms in-home to homeowners.  I managed large Custodial Groups.  Then, there is all of my online experience in blogging, creating funnels, and autoresponder campaigns...

THE QUESTION IS:  What have you done in your life that is the basis of some level of homophily, affinity, or attraction?  "Who" do you have "what" in common with?  Once you have this defined for yourself, make a plan to get "what you have" in front of them... PRECEDED BY BUILDING AFFINITY for you around your common frame of reference.

The assumption here is that you have an Affiliate Offer to propose.  As such, this is Affinity Affiliate Marketing.

Hope it helps.

On Being a Digital Franchise Broker

To get to the definition of a Digital Franchise Broker (DFB) let's start with the word Broker.  Everyone understands what Stock Brokers do. They evaluate and recommend stocks and establish relationships with clients to manage a portfolio of "paper" assets based on the performance and value of corporations or commodities.  

Stock Brokers need to be licensed and certified by the Securities Industry to transact business.  You may have heard of all the tests:  the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE), then on to Series 7, Series 66... there are many, many more credentials that people need to test (and pay) for - to become certified in different areas of expertise.  Ultimately, when credentialed and making money, a portion of their earnings are funneled up-the-organization (or) these profits are 'baked in" based on their commission structure.

Insurance and Real Estate Brokers are much the same.  They too have tests and certifications to pay for - and need to pass.  However, typically Brokers recruit agents who work under them. Agents contribute a portion of their earnings to the Broker for the privilege of their affiliation with an established agency.  (This is over-simplified simply to make a point:  whether Stock, Real Estate, or Insurance, each has a tiered structure, and the "organization" shares in the profits.)

What we do in marketing Digital Franchises is essentially the same.  We are a part of a larger "decentralized" organizational structure.  And, like these other kinds of Brokers, we curate, recommend, and support products.  Our products are digital in the Internet Marketing and eLearning spaces.  Ultimately, we teach people to develop a portfolio of online businesses, recommend them to potential clients, and establish a relationship that teaches how to replicate this process; thus, creating a network of shared skills and competencies that pertain to all Brokers.

Now, taking this one step deeper, there are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of Marketing Tools and eLearning platforms that have an Affiliate Program attached.  Each has all of the same dynamics as a franchise. These mini-franchises (each) inherently represent a money-earning opportunity with some form of financial leverage component as a part of "how the money works".  You buy into a business that has established systems, no different than McDonald's or a National Gym Chain...  as a DFB, you purchase the rights to operate on  "platforms" on which you market their product or service.

Our role is to pick winners and losers and recommend winners based on the justification of cost, ease of implementation, a program's ownership (and history in the industry).  Then there are variables like the mechanics of the compensation plan, the level of support the community provides (and) whether the business has a long-term vision that will keep it in business for years to come.

Obviously, there are many more important things that can be run through the wringer when digging around and doing due diligence.  However, these would all be near the top of the list.

At the end of the day, as a Digital Franchise Broker, we choose and recommend platforms to become affiliated with based on these criteria mentioned.  There are no $250 tests that you need to pass.  Then if you fail, take it again (and again) for $250 until you do pass... even to get started in the business.  There are, however, fees to get started as a Digital Franchise Broker.

Compared to conventional Brokerages as described here, the path to profitability is greatly accelerated and you are "the boss" from Day 1 with "soft" accountability from your mentor... (meaning) if you do not perform, you do not lose your gig.  Let me say, however, that effective organizations have factored-in accountability and business metrics that serve as guideposts for success (but I digress).

Education as a DFB is inherently On-The-Job training through direct mentorship and community support.  The "cost" is only your Affiliate License Fee in addition to whatever financial leverage components there are in different platforms' compensation plans.

Your job is to find people to whom this makes sense.  You can market individual programs with no bigger vision than a quick buck or you can lay out a proposed course of action, simply beginning with an introductory program/platform... then build a portfolio of businesses that will appeal to different kinds of buyers and/or business partners.  Out of this pool of people, some will self-select and see the big picture and "Go Pro".  Many will not, but they will have benefitted from being exposed to one of the fastest and (easier?) ways to earn extra income in existence today.

Make sense?  Let's go!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Marketing to MLM's

First, allow me to clarify the segment of the industry we are in.  We are Affiliate Marketers. We deal predominantly with digital tools and/or eLearning products.  We affili(8) with affili(et) offers and earn a large percentage of a one time sale for a product or service.  This is how Amazon, Walmart, and Best Buy run their Affiliate programs although they are not as generous and lucrative as what we do.  In our case, this one time sale is integrated with a leverage component that enables organizational growth and earning money from a team that uses a powerline or subscription... or whatever structure the affiliate offer is paired with.

Multi-level Marketing on the other hand, in most cases, is a physical-product-based offer and is almost completely dependent on large organizations given the multi-tiered structure(s) that provide a much smaller percentage throughout all of the different "layers/levels" of their compensation structure.  

As an analogy, think of it this way.  A person who has an interest in physical fitness gets licensed to be a Fitness Trainer.  They then open their own cross fit gym, and charge $160 a month to belong to his or her gym.  This is a rough analogy to Affiliate Marketing with a subscription offer involved.  It is one person, marketing one thing and reaping the majority (or a significant portion) of the profit from that one thing.  They sell a  member subscription to cross-fit training.

On the other hand, there are the Planet and LA Fitness Centers.  Edge.  Gold's...  These franchises all have layers of bureaucracy that get fed a percentage of profits.  Corporate sites have General Managers, Assistant Managers at the Club level, that report to District and Regional Directors.  These report to Corporate VP's/  This is more analogous to an MLM.  

The point:  MLM and Affiliate business models are completely different.  They both (in many cases) involve building Networks if a leverage component is involved.  Therefore, inherently, both can be termed "Network Marketing".  This can be debated, but nonetheless makes the point that if leveraged income is involved, building a Network of some kind and scale is a part of the model.

With that out of the way... here is just one marketing method that is a step by step plan to target people who are making anywhere from 2-10% on their organization. Your job is to let them know what you know.  They "should"be receptive to other ways to monetize people.  They stand to earn significantly more from a much smaller group of people:  Here is how to do it:

  1. Google, "Top 100 MLM Companies List"
  2. From this list, choose a company, or a few companies to target.
  3. Go to these companies' websites and learn about what they offer and especially focus on their compensation models so you can engage in an informed conversation.  Learn if the company prohibits marketing other offers.  Some still do and some people obey this ridiculousness.
  4. Go to Linkedin and plug in the company (plus) the word "seeking" or "looking".  I recommend familiarlizing yourself with Max Steingart's YouTube channel for coaching on this method.  You will find a ton of useful, practical information at no cost, other than your time to learn it.
  5. From these results, view people's profiles on different Social Media if you are so inclined.  See how engaged they are.  Lurk on them to see if they are active on FB, Instagram, Twitter... If you have the opportunity, comment on something they have posted and then follow-up and tell them you have done so.  Ultimately, the goal here is to be informed about whether, in your opinion, the person is worth contacting.  Many are not, but you can always "take a shot" and find a diamond-in-the-rough.
  6. When you have done this bit of homework, reach out to people and say... (this can be said 1000 different ways with different emphasis on any number of variables)...
  7. "I am interested in learning more about the level of success you are having with your company."  (or) "I would love to hear about your company and what you are doing to grow your business."  The idea here is to get them talking... specifically, talking about themselves. You will come up with better approaches based on your background and personality.
  8. Another approach is to straightforwardly ask, "What are you doing to monetize people who say "no" to your primary offer?  (or) "If people say "no" to your primary offer, you are leaving money on the table if you do not follow-up with another offer.  I have some options.  Let's talk".
  9. Engage in a conversation that leads to finding out their pain points.  DO NOT immediately "pitch" your offer, but build a relationship and a fundamental level of trust by expressing genuine interest in what they are doing and what is going on in their life (and) not necessarily their business.
  10. Reciprocate and disclose the same levels of information that they tell you.  This builds rapport and trust.  However, be vague and say things like, "I work within the Networking and Social Commerce industry to build relationships and partner with people where it makes sense for both of us."
  11. After this has taken place, ask, "Have you thought about re-monetizing the people in your current organization?"  Then, "teaching them to do the same to create an additional source of income?"
  12. Then, at some point, you provide the links to your funnel.  Notice:  this is Step 12.
  13. Hopefully, your funnel has an autoresponder drip series attached, and of course, there is no substitute for following up by phone, chat, or videoconference.
  14. Realize, very few people will say: "What a great idea!  Where do I sign?"  Relationships take time (and) over time you build trust.
There are thousands if not millions of MLMer's who are starving for an Affiliate Offer.  Here is the truth put very simply:  no one has ever explained the difference between the MLM and Affiliate business models to them.  This fact alone is a huge opportunity.  Your job, with this method, is to excavate the people who are:
  1. Struggling to get to "the next level" and could use what you offer to get there,
  2. Doing OK, but are open to an accelerant, or;
  3. Open to lead generating offer, especially if your offer is relatively "low ticket", or;
  4. Open to "jumping ship" to a better business model.
I am always interested in hearing your comments and insights.  Please feel free to post replies.