Hope Tethered to a Strategy

No doubt, you have heard the expression, "Hope is not a strategy".  Just so you know, I am not "going there".  The expression is somewhat flippant and unserious. The statement offers little of value.  I simply wanted to mention it to frame something that is of value.

It is important to understand that what we do is noble.  What we do is important.  We help people by showing them a path to improve their financial condition.  We inherently instill "hope".  It is the aspirational idea that things can and will be different.  It is the promise of money being a lubricant to life by providing the means for security, and ultimately with time and effort, prosperity.

However, hope is not enough.  It needs to be tied to a strategy that is realistic and can be implemented with a reasonable amount of learning and effort.  This entire blog talks about all of the variables that constitute this "strategy".

If your head and heart are in the right place, you know that we care for the welfare of others.  We offer and instill hope in people through our guidance and mentorship, teaching others to engage in behaviors to form solid professional relationships that produce income, based on the strength and longevity of these relationships.  We are in the business of people helping people.

Seek to work with people from a true sense of altruism, with a concern for their well-being.  You need to trust this advice:  YOUR long-term security in building a business is directly tied to the loyalty of the people you are in business with.  This means loyalty to you, loyalty to the business proposition, and loyalty to the pledge of caring for the organizational culture we espouse.  What we do is not about the money.  The money (your security) happens when you ensure others are prosperous and secure.  Everything is driven by mutual welfare with money being the by-product.

This is the foundation of our Community and culture.


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