Squandering Existence

Let me start with a number of questions.

Who is accountable for your life?  Do you have anyone pushing you to excel?  Do you have your own standards that you strive to meet?

What benchmarks do you have that signify success?  Given that this blog is about home business and making money. are you satisfied with where you are with respect to your finances and earning potential?

Is any of this worth any thought?  Is it possible to be intentional and strategic about how you invest your time and resources, pursuant to stated objectives?

To squander is to waste foolishly.  If you are not "present" and intentional about what you want your life to be, you are squandering life (existence) and losing the potential of the moment.  Right now, you can make decisions that will propel your life in a more positive direction.  You simply need to do it.

These actions do not need to be massive.  They can be small and incremental, but need to be tied to some defined outcome and on a timeline - and in writing, because in essence, you are making a contract with yourself.

In other words, you need to put in writing what do you want to accomplish, and by when.  In a home business, this is defined by many things, but the bottom line is always the bottom line: how much money are you making, or more to the point, how profitable are you (income minus expenses)?  This is the end-point.

The starting point is getting after it.  It is a plan of action on a timeline.  Your mentor's job is to help you define this action plan.  It is not the same for everyone.  There is not a generic template that is one-size-fits-all.  Everything has to be customized to who you are and what you bring to the table.

If you are happy with your job and your wage or salary, this does not really apply to you.  Complacency and being "all set" is the way most people live their lives.  Many simply do not aspire to "be" and to "have" more.  This is perfectly fine for them.  No value judgments.  What we do is not for everyone.

In most of these cases, leaving an estate is not a consideration.  Having a Will is not on their radar.  Paying bills and staying afloat financially is how they play the game of life - without aspiration, without planning, and without any prospect of doing and having more.

The premise we work from is that people who join our Community do not fall into this category.  We attract people who are able and willing to put a plan in place and execute that plan.  This is done through a process of collaboration and mentorship and the process of learners becoming teachers.

It is a noble and worthy enterprise if done correctly, and done well.


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